Education and Training
- MD: Medicine - Catholic Pelotas School of Medicine (UCPeL).
- Residence: Neurosurgery - Paraná Evangelical University (FEPAR).
- Master ́s Degree: Sciences - Paraná Evangelical University (FEPAR).
- PhD Degree: Sciences - Federal University of Paraná.
- Research Fellowship: Neurosurgery, Microsurgical anatomy - São Paulo Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital.
- Postdoctoral studies: Neurosurgery, Microsurgical anatomy - University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences – Microsurgical Anatomy Lab.
- Research Fellowship: Skull Base Surgery - University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences – Skull Base Surgery.
Professional Experience
- 1994: Research Assistant (Monitor) - Catholic Pelotas School of Medicine (UCPeL) Histology.
- 1994-1997: Research Assistant (Monitor) - Catholic Pelotas School of Medicine (UCPeL) Neuroanatomy.
- 1996: Research Assistant (Monitor) - Catholic Pelotas School of Medicine (UCPeL) Internal Medicine.
- 1997: Research Assistant - Catholic Pelotas School of Medicine (UCPeL) Epidemiology.
- 2003-2004: Research Assistant (Monitor) - São Paulo Beneficência Portuguesa Hospital Microsurgical neuroanatomy courses.
- 2006: Research Assistant (Monitor) - Saint Louis University Microsurgical neuroanatomy courses.
- 2008-2009: Professor - Catholical University Pontifical of Paraná School of Medicine.
- 2013: Visiting Professor - Hopital Gui de Chauliac, Montpellier, France Neurosurgical department.
- 2014: Visiting Professor - University of Florida – Gainesville Microsurgical laboratory.
- 2010-2017: Professor/Advisor - Porto Alegre Clinical Hospital Neurosurgery Residence.
- 2007-2018: Professor/Advisor - Rio Grande do Sul Federal University Post-graduate in surgery (Surgical anatomy) 16 master’s degree thesis and 01 PhD Thesis concluded.
- 2007-present: Director – Skull Base surgery Unit - Moinhos de Vento Hospital, Porto Alegre.
- 2012-present: Professor - IEP – Moinhos de Vento Hospital Post-graduate course in medicine (neurovascular).
- 2013-present: Founder and Director - The Center for Advanced Neurology and Neurosurgery (CEANNE) – A social project for low income patients. 5000 patients were operated on between 2012 and 2020 in the Brazilian Public Health system.
- 2015-present: Founder and Director - The Center for Neurotology and Acoustic Neuroma A multidisciplinary Skull Base Team in Porto Alegre, Brazil.
- 2017-present: Course Director Weill Cornell Medical College – NYC Brazilian-american Hands-on Skull Base Courses (4 courses per year).
- Gustavo RassierIsolan,AlvaroCampero, Pablo Ajler, Edgar Manuel Garcete Farina, Thomas M Frigeri, Leandro InfantiniDini Parte I: Anatomi´amicroquiru´rgica tridimensional de lai´nsula . REV ARGENT NEUROC. VOL. 34, N° 2: 100-115 | 2020
- Isolan GR, et al., Microsurgical and Endoscopic Anatomy of the Cavernous Sinus. Arquivos Brasileiros de Neurocirurgia: BrazilianNeurosurgery 2020; 39(02): 083-094.
- Vanacor C, Isolan G, et al., Microsurgical anatomy of language: a Review. Clinical Anatomy 2020.
- Isolan G et al., Hippocampal vascularization. Proposal of a new classification . Surgical neurology international. 2020.
- Isolan G et al., Insular Gliomas part 1. Surgical Neurology international. 2020.
- Isolan G et al., Insular Gliomas part 2. Surgical Neurology international. 2020. Accepted.
- Gustavo RassierIsolan,AlvaroCampero, Pablo Ajler, Edgar Manuel Garcete Farina, Thomas M Frigeri, Leandro InfantiniDini Parte II: Anatomi´amicroquiru´rgica tridimensional de lai´nsula – Experiencia com 42 pacientescom insular gliomas. REV ARGENT NEUROC. 2020.
- Gustavo isolan. Professor Fernando Costa— A Man Aheadof His Time . ArqBrasNeurocir 2019;38:246–249.
- Gustavo Rassier ISOLAN, Vilson MARTH, Leonardo FRIZON, Leandro DINI, Simone DINI, Vitor Nagai YAMAKI, Eberval Gadelha FIGUEIREDO. Surgical treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy caused by gliomas in eloquent areas: experience report. ArqNeuropsiquiatr 2019;77(11):797-805.
- DINI, Leandro Infantini; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; FLORES, EVELISE; LOMBARDO, EDUARDO MADRUGA; HEITZ, CLÁITON?. Transfacial approaches in the endoscopic era. JOURNAL OF CRANIOFACIAL SURGERY. v.29, p.1 - 226, 2017.
- SANTOS, FÁBIO PIRES; LONGO, MARIA GABRIELA; MAY, GUILHERME GIRARDI; ISOLAN, Gustavo RassierComputed Tomography Evaluation of the Correspondence Between the Arcuate Eminence and the Superior Semicircular Canal. World Neurosurgery. v.111, p.261 - , 2017.
- MEOTTI, CAMILA; PILTCHER, OTÁVIO; NETTO, BRUNO; LEMIESZEK, JAQUELINE; LAVINSKY-WOLFF, MICHELLE; DO REGO MONTEIRO, FELIPE; ISOLAN, GUSTAVODifferentiation between Posterior Sinuses Using the Medial Orbital Floor as a Landmark. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B-Skull Base. v.78, p.152 - 157, 2017.
- ROESLER, RAFAEL; BRUNETTO DE FARIAS, CAROLINE; ISOLAN, GUSTAVO R. Molecular Basis of Distant Medulloblastoma Recurrence. PEDIATRIC NEUROSURGERY., v.52, p.217 - , 2017.
- ISOLAN, GUSTAVO ,LAVINSKY, JOEL; WAYHS, SÂMIA; LEPSKI, GUILHERME; DINI, Leandro; Petroclival Meningiomas: Factors Determining the Choice of Approach. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B-Skull Base. 2017.
- WAYHS, SÂMIA YASIN; LEPSKI, GUILHERME ALVES; FRIGHETTO, LEONARDO; ISOLAN, Gustavo RassierPetroclival meningiomas: Remaining controversies in light of minimally invasive approaches. CLINICAL NEUROLOGY AND NEUROSURGERY. , v.152, p.68 - 75, 2017.
- isolangr; DINI, Leandro Infantini; Dalsin M; Roesler R?Gliomas de baixo grau: críticas a uma conduta cirúrgica conservadora. Revista HSM. , v.1, p.45 - 52, 2016.
- CAMPERO, ALVARO; AJLER, PABLO; FERNANDEZ, JULIO; ISOLAN, GUSTAVO; PAIZ, MARTIN; RIVADENEIRA, CONRADO?Hemangioblastomas de fosa posterior: Reporte de 16 casos y revisión de la literatura. SURGICAL NEUROLOGY INTERNATIONAL. , v.7, p.855 - , 2016.
- Roesler R; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier?Letter to the Editor. MicroRNA levels and anti-VEGF therapy in glioblastoma,'. JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY. , v., p. - , 2016.
- Malmann l; Piltcher O; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier?The Lamb’s Head as a Model for Surgical SkillsDevelopment in Endonasal Surger y. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B-Skull Base. , v 77, p.466-472, 2016.
- Ajler P; Bravo MC; Garategui L; Goldschmidt E; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; CAMPERO, A. Abordaje a la cisterna ambiens. REvista Argentina de Neurocirurgia. , v.29, p.110 - 116, 2015.
- NETTO, B.; Piltcher O; meotti c; LEMIESZEK, J.; isolan g?Computed tomography imaging study of the superior attachment of the uncinate process. RHINOLOGY. v.53, p.188-91 - 191, 2015.
- Aguiar P.H.P.; Gatto L; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; Neves M; ZICARELLI, C. A. M.?Aneurysms of the P2p segment of posterior cerebral artery: Case report and surgical step. NEUROLOGY RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL. ,325414- , 2014.
- holderbaum C; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier?Intraoperative Neuropsychological assessment in brain tumors ressection located at eloquent areas - - Is it ethical do not consider 'awake surgery'? - letter to editor. CLINICAL AND BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH. , v. p.1 - 2, 2014.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; ANTUNES, A. C. M.; hehn F; vieira DM?PAracoccioidomycosissimulatingbrain tumor. SURGICAL NEUROLOGY INTERNATIONAL. , 5:134, 2014.
- Mura j; cuevasjl; riquelme f; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier?Use of Superior ThyroidArtery as a DonorVessel in Extracranial-IntracranialRevascularization Procedures: A Novel Technique. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B-Skull Base. , v.75, p.421-6, 2014.
- Pierobon m; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; Aguiar P.H.P.?Anatomic and Radiologic Classification of Posterior Communicating Artery Aneurysms. Neurosurgery Quarterly, 2013.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; GEORG, A. E.; MANFRIM, J.; ANTUNES, A. C. M.; Falcetta F Intraosseouss degenerative cyst of the Axis approached via transcervical extrapharyngeal avenue - Case report. jcvjs. ,3:70-72- , 2013.
- DINI, Leandro Infantini; Vedolin L; Berthold D; GRANDO, R.; MAZZOLA, A.; DINI, Simone; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; COSTA, J. C.; CAMPERO, A.?Reproducibility of quantitative fiber tracking measurements in diffusion tensor imaging of frontal lobe tracts: A protocol based on the fiber dissection technique. SURGICAL NEUROLOGY INTERNATIONAL. , v.4, p.51- , 2013.
- Perez J; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; AGUIAR, P. H.; ANTUNES, A. C. M.?Volumetry and Analysis of Anatomical Variants of the Anterior Portion of the Petrous Apex Outlined by Kawase Triangle using Computed Tomography. Journal of Neurological Surgery Part B-Skull Base. , v.1, p.1 - 6, 2013.
- Zicarelli CA; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; GEORGETO, S. M.; Aguiar P.H.P.?Surgical anatomy and classification of the Sylvian fissure veins in aneurysm surgery. JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE NEUROCIRURGIA. , v.22, p.169 - 171, 2012.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; Aguiar P.H.P.; Pereira A. H.; Mousquer P; antunes ACM; peirobon m MicrosurgicalAnatomyoftheExternalCarotidArtery: A 3D stereoscopicstudy. Jornal Vascular Brasileiro . , v.11, p.3 - 11, 2012.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; Pereira A. H.; Aguiar P.H.P.; antunes ACM; Mousquer P; peirobon m Anatomia microcirúrgica 3D das artérias infratentoriais. Jornal Vascular Brasileiro (Impresso). , v.11, p.114 - 122, 2012.
- Aguiar P.H.P.; Zicarelli CA; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; antunes ACM; aires r; et al.,Brainstemcavernomas: SurgicalChallenge. EINSTEIN (SÃO PAULO). , v.10, p.67 - 73, 2012.
- Perondi G; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; AGUIAR, P. H.; STEFANI, Marco Antonio; Falcetta F Endoscopicanatomyofsellarregion..Pituitary. , v.16, p.251-9, 2012.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; et al.,?Microsurgical Anatomy of the Cavernous Sinus with surgical correlation. JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE NEUROCIRURGIA. , v.22, p.8 - 44, 2011.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier. Skull Bas Surgery: A challenge specialty in the modern medicine. REVISTA AMRIGS. , v.55, p.286 - 295, 2011.
- DOBROWOLSKI, Samuel; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; lepski G?Hyperosmolar Solution Reduces Apoptosis in the Acute Spinal Cord Injury. JOURNAL OF CYTOLOGY AND HISTOLOGY. , v.2, p.2 - 6, 2011.
- MORAES, K. R.; Aguiar P.H.P.; TAHARA, A.; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; et al.,?Microsurgical Anatomy of the Clinoidal Segment of the Internal Carotid Artery and Carotid Cave. JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE NEUROCIRURGIA. , v.22, p.89 - 94, 2011.
- BOLDI, B.; CONTINI, B.; SANTOS, F. T.; SILVA, L. S.; CUNHA, F. M.; ISOLAN, Paola BrolinSantis; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier?Nutrition in Neurosurgery. JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE NEUROCIRURGIA. , v.22, p.38 - 43, 2011.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; Ashton-Prolla P; REIS, M.; antunes ACM?Pineal regionhemangioblastoma in a patientwith Von Hippel-Lindaudisease.. ARQUIVOS DE NEURO- PSIQUIATRIA. , v.69, p.988 - 988, 2011.
- BRAGATTI, J. A.; TORRES, C.; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; BIANCHIN, M.?Psychiatric Comorbidities of Epilepsy: A Review. journal of neurology and neurophysiology. , 2011.
- Aguiar P.H.P.; VEIGA, J. C. E.; TAHARA, A.; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier?Critical review of surgical techniques for posterior inferior cerebellar aneurysms. ARQUIVOS BRASILEIROS DE NEUROCIRURGIA. , v.29, p.25 - 31, 2010.
- Aguiar P.H.P.; aires r; Laws E; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier;logilho a; Patil C; Katznelson L?Labeling index in pituitary adenomas evaluated by means of MIB-1: is there a prognostic role? A critical review. NEUROLOGICAL RESEARCH. , v.18, 2010.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; Aguiar P.H.P.; aires r; Meister C; STEFANI, Marco Antonio?Middle Cerebral Artery “pseudotetrafurcation”: anatomical report and review of Middle cerebral artery variations. Neurosurgery Quarterly. 2010.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; BIANCHIN, M.; BRAGATTI, J. A.; TORRES, C.; Schwarstmann G?Musical hallucinations following insular glioma resection. Neurosurgical Focus. , v.28, p.E9 - , 2010.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; antunes ACM; Piltcher O; Aguiar P.H.P.?The Extended endonasal endoscopic approach for resection of tuberculum sellae meingeomas. JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE NEUROCIRURGIA. , v.21, p.88 - 92, 2010.
- Aguiar P.H.P.; Zicarelli CA; aires r; Santiago NM; TAHARA, A.; Simm R; ISOLAN, Gustavo RassierPosterior CommunicatingArteryAneurysms: TechnicalPitfalls. Neurosurgery Quarterly. , v.20, p.74 - 81, 2010.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; BIANCHIN, M.; TORRES, C.; BRAGATTI, J. A.; Assmann J.B.; Falcetta F Temporal Choroidal fissure cyst and temporal lobe epilepsy – report of two cases. Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2010.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; Cabral LS; Castro Jr CG; antunes ACM; Schwarstmann G; Falcetta F The rare association of leukoencephalopathy, cerebral calcifications, and cysts: case report. Journal of Epilepsy and Clinical Neurophysiology, 2010.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier The learning courve in neurosurgery: Ethics, Philosophy and microsurgical laboratory training. Jornal Brasileiro de Neurocirurgia. p.1-40 - , 2009.
- Aguiar P.H.P.; Panagopoulos AT; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; Becerra ACR; Zicarelli CA Aneurismas del sector distal de laarteria cerebral anterior (ArteriaPericallosa). Revista Chilena de Neurocirugía. , v.32, p.34 - 40, 2009.
- DINI, Leandro Infantini; Vedolin L; AESSE, F.; PINHEIRO, C. P.; LUERSEN, G. F.; WAGNER, F. V.; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; MAZZOLA, A.; COSTA, J. C.?Brainwhitematteranatomicalstudy: fromtheklinglertechniqueto virtual dissectionwithmagneticresonance (tractography). Jornal Brasileiro de Neurocirurgia. , v.20, p.10 - 21, 2009.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; ISOLAN, Paola BrolinSantis; DOBROWOLSKI, Samuel; CIOATO, M. G.; Meyer F. S.; antunes ACM; Pereira A. H.?Technicalconsiderations in microvascular anastomosisatthelaboratory . Jornal Brasileiro de Neurocirurgia, 2009.
- ISOLAN, Paola BrolinSantis; Agulham MA; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; tambara EM; Tenorio SB; sobral ACL; SILVEIRA, Antônio Ernesto da?Diaphragmafrozenhomograft for rats'abdominal walldefectsrepair. Revista do Colégio Brasileiro de Cirurgiões , v.36, p.332 - 338, 2009.
- DINI LI; Vedolin, LM; Vedolin, L; Flavio Aesse; Claudio Pitta Pinheiro; LUERSEN GF; WAGNER FV; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; MAZZOLA A A; COSTA JC. Central Nervous System White matter. From Klinger Technique to Virtual dissection with DTI. JORNAL BRASILEIRO DE NEUROCIRURGIA. , v.20, p.10 - 21, 2009.
- TAHARA, A.; Aguiar P.H.P.; Panagopoulos AT; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier?Surgicaltreatmentof anterior communicatingarteryaneurysms. Technicaldetails. Arquivos Brasileiros de Neurocirurgia. , v.27, p.136 - 140, 2009.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; Aguiar P.H.P.; Laws E; STRAPASSON, A. C. P.; Piltcher O?The implications of microsurgical anatomy for surgical approaches to the sellarregion..Pituitary (New York). , v.11, p.1 - 9, 2009.
- Al-MEFTY, Ossama Al; Kadri p; Hasan DM; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; Pravdenkova S Anterior clivectomy: surgical technique and clinical applications.. Journal of Neurosurgery. p.783 - 793, 2008.
- Aguiar P.H.P.; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; TAHARA, A.?Carotid cave aneurysm. Criticalreview. NeurosurgeryQuarterly. , v.18, p.239 - 245, 2008.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; ALMEFTY, Ossama. InfratemporalFossa. Microsurgicalanatomyandapproaches..Jornal Brasileiro de Neurocirurgia. , v.19, p.7 - 18, 2008.
- STRAPASSON, A. C. P.; DORNELLES, L. V.; Assmann J.B.; FONTANA, V.; RIGOTTI, C. P.; FRANCISCATO, AndreCerutti; AVILA, T. T.; MODKOVSKI, R.; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; STEFANI, Marco Antonio; BIANCHIN, M.?perimesencephalichemorrhage. Revista HCPA (UFRGS. Impresso). , v.28, p.1 - 8, 2008.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; antunes ACM; da Costa CRF; DINI, Leandro Infantini; STEFANI, Marco Antonio; Frizon L; Falcetta F; MEDEIROS, M.; Cristovam R; Petersen SC; Passos GR?. Surgical management oflow grade insular gliomas. Jornal Brasileiro de Neurocirurgia. 2008.
- Aguiar P.H.P.; SANTANA JUNIOR, P. A.; PAnagopoulos AT; Calfat MV; Teixeira JA; Simm R; Araujo C; ISOLAN, Gustavo RassierMIDDLE CEREBRAL ARTERY ANEURYSMS: CHALLENGES. Revista Chilena de Neurocirugía. , v.4, p.8 - 18, 2008.
- Aguiar P.H.P.; VEIGA, J. C. E.; TAHARA, A.; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; MARUBAYASHI, L. Posterior Inferior Cerebellar Artery Aneurysm: skull base approach and technical challenges. AsianJournalofSurgery. , v.2, p.35 - 44, 2008.
- KRAYENBÜHL, Niklaus; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; ALMEFTY, Ossama?The foramen spinosum: a landmark in middle fossa surgery. NeurosurgicalReview. , v.31, p.397 - 401, 2008.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; NEGRÃO, Alexandre; RIBAS FILHO, Jurandir; MALAFAIA, Osvaldo. The cell proliferation markers in brain tumor: the Glioma model. ?. Revista Médica do Paraná. , v.34, p.1 - 9, 2007.
- KRAYENBUHL, Niklaus; ABDO, Miguel; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; KRISHT, Ali Cerebral Revascularization: Part 2. Contemporary Neurosurgery. ,- , 2007.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; KRAYENBUHL, Niklaus; MOHAMUD, Mohamed; ALMEFTY, Ossama Hemangioblastoma in the pineal region - case report. Neurosurgery. , v.61, p.E423 - , 2007.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; Azambuja N; Neto EP; Paglioli EB?Hippocamapl microsurgical anatomy regarding the selective amygdalohippocampectomy in the Niemeyer ´s technique perspective and preoperative method to maximize the corticotomy. Arquivos de Neuro- Psiquiatria (Impresso). , v.65, p.1062 - 1069, 2007.
- DINI, Leandro; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; SARAIVA, Glauco; DINI, Simone?Maffucci'ssyndromecomplicatedbyanintracranialchondrosarcoma: Two new illustrative cases. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso). , v.65, p.816 - 821, 2007.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; ROWE, Richard; ALMEFTY, Ossama?Microanatomyandsurgical approaches totheinfratemporal fossa - Ananaglyphicthree-dimensional stereoscopicprintingstudy. Skull Base. , v.17, p.285 - 302, 2007.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; KRAYENBUHL, Niklaus; OLIVIERA, Evandro de; ALMEFTY, Ossama Microsurgical Anatomy of the Cavernous Sinus: Measurements of the Triangles in and around it. Skull Base. , v.17, p.357 - 367, 2007.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; CHEM, R. C.; webster r; STEFANI, Marco Antonio; OPPITZ, Paulo Pettry; FRANCISCATO, AndreCerutti; antunes ACM. Skull Base Reconstruction – Initial case series from a neurosurgical and a a plastic surgery departament. ?. Jornal Brasileiro de Neurocirurgia. , v.18, p.5 - 13, 2007.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; CHEM, R. C.; webster r; STEFANI, Marco Antonio; OPPITZ, Paulo Pettry; FRANCISCATO, AndreCerutti; antunes ACM?Skull Base Reconstruction: Indications. Jornal Brasileiro de Neurocirurgia. , v.18, p.14 - 20, 2007.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; OLIVEIRA, Evandro de; Al-MEFTY, Ossama. Relevant anatomy regarding the selective amygdalohippocampectomy: An anaglyphic three dimensional stereoscopic printing study. JornalBrasileiro de Neurocirurgia. , v.17, p.85 - 99, 2007.
- KRAYENBUHL, Niklaus; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; HAFEZ, Ahamad; YASARGIL, M Gazi?The relationship of the fronto-temporal branches of the facial nerve to the fascias of the tempotal region: A literature review applied to practical antomical dissection. NeurosurgeryReview. , 2007.
- DINI, Leandro Infantini; SARAIVA, Glauco André; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; DALACORTE, Amauri; MENDONÇA, Rodrigo. ?Anterior thoracic and lumbar spine arthrodesis: a series of 23 consecutive cases and review of operative technique. Coluna Columna. , v.5, p.24 - , 2006.
- ABDO, Miguel; KRAYENBUHL, Niklaus; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; KRISHT, Ali Cerebral Revascularization: Part 1. ContemporaryNeurosurgery. , v.28, p.1 - 5, 2006.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; DOBROWOLSKI, Samuel; RIBAS FILHO, Jurandir; MALAFAIA, Osvaldo Understandingtheastrocyticneoplasmstumorigenesis. Revista Médica do Paraná. , v.64, p.32 - 37, 2006.
- DOBROWOLSKI, Samuel; RIBAS FILHO, Jurandir Marcondes; MALAFAIA, Oswaldo; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier?An animal modelof Microvascular anastomosis in thecarotidartery in thelaboratory: a comparativestudy. Revista Médica do Paraná. , v.62, p.15 - 19, 2005.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; OLIVEIRA, Evandro de; RECALDE, Rodolfo. Microsurgicalanatomyofthechoroidal fissure. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso). , v.63, p.801 - 806, 2005.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; OLIVEIRA, Evandro de; MATTOS, João Paulo?Microsurgicalanatomyofthe arterial compartmentofthecavernoussinus: analysisofthe 24 cavernoussinus. Revista Arquivos de Neuro Psiquiatria. , v.63, p.259 - 264, 2005.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; RIBAS FILHO, Jurandir Marcondes; ISOLAN, Paola Maria BrolinSantisi; GIOVANINI, Allan; DINI, Leandro; MALAFAIA, Oswado; KUMMER JR, Arthur; NEGRÃO, Alexandre Wolanski?. P53 and Ki-67 in Gliomas. Arquivos de Neuro- Psiquiatria. , v.63, p.997 - 1004, 2005.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; RIBAS FILHO, Jurandir Marcondes; MALAFAIA, Oswaldo; DOBROWOLSKI, Samuel; ARY NETO,; HAYASHI, Gisele; VIDIGAL, André; MULINARI, Acir; KUMMER JR, Arthur. Correlationbetween Ki-67 and Grade in Gliomas? Revista Médica do Paraná. , v.62, p.5 - 10, 2005.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; RIBAS FILHO, Jurandir Marcondes; MALAFAIA, Oswaldo; DOBROWOLSKI, Samuel; NASSIF, Paulo; RIBAS, Fernanda?. Manual of microvascular anastomosistechniquies.. Revista Médica do Paraná. , v.62, p.19 - 23, 2005.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; NEGRÃO, Alexandre Wolanski; PRESIBELLA JR, Cezar Augusto; MAINGUÉ, José Antônio?. Surgery for parkinson’sDisease: indicationsandsurgicalaspects. Revista do Médico Residente Hospital Universitário Evangélico de Curitiba. , v.5, p.24 - 34, 2003.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; NEGRÃO, Alexandre Wolanski; FÉLIX, Alexandre Rossato; MAINGUÉ, José Antônio; KUMMER JR, Arthur?Pituitary adenoma surgery. Revista do Médico Residente do Huec. , v.4, p.30 - 35, 2002.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; MAINGUÉ, José Antônio; KUMMER JR, Arthur; ANDRADE, Vanessa de; SOLA JR, Wilson Carlos?EvidenceBased-medicine in unrupturedbrainaneurysms.. Revista do Médico Residente do Huec. , v.4, p.22 - 26, 2002.
- GALLO, Pasquale; DINI, Leandro Infantini; SARAIVA, Glauco André; SONDA, Ildo; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier?Hemorrhage in cerebral metastasisfromangiosarcomaoftheheart. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria (Impresso). , v.59, p.793 - 796, 2001.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier. Evidence-based medicine: A new paradigm in medical practice..Revista do Médico Residente Hospital Universitário Evangélico de Curitiba. , v.3, p.22 - 26, 2001.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; DOBROWOLSKI, Samuel; NEGRÃO, Alexandre Wolanski; SILVA, Paulo Eduardo; MAINGUÉ, José Antônio. Neuroendoscopy: indicationsandprinciples. Neuroendoscopia: indicações e princípios. O Dendrito. , v.7, p.94 - 98, 2001.
- BORBA, Luis Alencar B; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; GOMES, Mucio; COSTA, Fernando?. SurgicaltreatmentofForamen jugular tumors. Jornal Brasileiro de Neurocirurgia. , v.12, p.5 - 15, 2001.
- DOBROWOLSKI, Samuel; NEGRÃO, Alexandre Wolanski; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; VIEIRA, Simone; SILVA, Paulo Eduardo da; MAINGUÉ, José Antônio?Thirdventriculostomy in children. Revista do Médico Residente Hospital Universitário Evangélico de Curitiba. , v.2, p.28 - 31, 2000.
- ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; BOHN, Jussara Marilu?Aorta inflammation caused by Sifilis – case report. Revista da Sociedade de Medicina de Pelotas. , v.1, p.45 - 47, 1997.
- WENZEL, Túlio; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; GODOY, Hermes. Ménière Disease up to date. Revista da Sociedade de Medicina de Pelotas. , v.1, p.56 - 58, 1997.
- PORTO, Evandro Bastianelo; CREMA, Fabiana Barp; MARCOVIC, Fabieli; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; ZANELLA, Karla Richter. Congenital Hemivertebrae – casual finding.. Revista da Sociedade de Medicina de Pelotas. , v.1, p.12 - 14, 1997.
- COSTA, Fernando Antônio Oliveira; FACCINI, Sérgio Humberto; FABIÃO NETO, Othelo; HEEMANN, Jonas; ISOLAN, Gustavo Rassier; COSTA, Fernanda Pires?. Lumbardischerniation. A case series. Revista da Ucpel. , v.7, p.51 - 67, 1997.
Recognition: Awards, Honors
- 2014: Best article - Professor Garcia do Prado Human anatomy national award. The insular lobe: 3D microsurgical anatomy.
- 2011: Tribute of Recognition for distinguished work at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.
- 2011: Best paper - Volumetry and anatomical variantions in Kawase’s triangle. XIV Congresso da Academia Brasileira de Neurocirurgia.
- 2010: Approved in first place in the public contest of neurosurgery (epilepsy surgery) at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre.
- 2010: Best article - Professor Garcia do Prado Human anatomy national award. The Cavernous sinus: 3D microsurgical anatomy.
- 2010: Santa Cruz Honor title, Hospital Santa Cruz - Curitiba, Brazil.
- 2009: Best abstract and oral presentation - XIII Brazilian Academy of Neurosurgery congress (Neuro-oncology) - Low grade insular gliomas: initial personal experience with nine cases, Curitiba.
- 2008: Best paper - Professional exercise for Brazilian Neurosurgery Award - Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery. The young neurosurgeon learning curve: ethics, philosophy and the importance of microsurgical laboratory training, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.
- 2007: Best Poster - Conesul Neurosurgical society Congress, Gramado, Brazil.
- 2007: First place in the neurosurgical national board certification test - Brazilian Society of Neurosurgery.
- 2003: Approved for the Neurology board certification (First step). Brazilian academy of Neurology.
- 1999: Approved - AMRIGS Contest, Rio Grande do Sul Medical Association.
- 1999: Approved - First place neurosurgical residence contest. Hospital Universitário Evangélico de Curitiba, Curitiba, Brazil.
- 1999: Approved - First Place in the Medical General test of the Hospital Universitário Evangélico de Curitiba.