Education and Training
- B.S. (Chemistry) - University of Oregon.
- Ph.D. (Psychology, Specialty Biopsychology) - University of Waterloo (Waterloo, Canada).
- Post-doctoral Training (Neurobiology & Functional Neuroanatomy) - Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
- Post-doctoral Training (Neurophysiology & Clinical Neuroscience) - New York Medical College.
Academic and Institutional Appointments
- 2006: Director - NeuroImaging Applied Neuroscience Laboratories, Applied Neuroscience Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Florida.
- 1994–2006: Adjunct Professor - Department of Neurology, University of South Florida College of Medicine, Tampa, Florida.
- 1993-2006: Director - Neuroimaging Lab and Director of EEG and MRI Defense and Veterans Head Injury Program, Bay Pines Veterans Administration Hospital, Bay Pines, Florida.
- 1991-1993: Special Expert and Project Officer - Multimodal Neuroimaging, National Institutes of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, Medical Neurology Branch, Clinical Neurosciences Program, Bethesda, Md.
- 1981-1989: Director of the Neurometric Clinical Service - Maryland Medical Emergency Services Institute, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Md.
- 1979-1989: Research Professor - Department of Human Ecology, University of Maryland Eastern Shore and Director Applied Neuroscience Research Institute.
- 1979-1991: Research Professor - Department of Psychiatry, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, Md.
- 1977-1979: Research Associate Professor - Dept. of Psychiatry, New York University School of Medicine, New York, New York.
- 1973-1977: Assistant Professor - Dept. of Psychiatry, New York Medical College, New York, New York.
- 1972-1973: Post-doctoral Fellow - Dept. of Physiology, New York Medical College, New York, New York.
- 1971-1972: Instructor - Neuroanatomy, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York.
- 1971-1972: Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Anatomy Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, New York.
- 1970-1971: Visiting Assistant Professor - Dept. of Psychology, Indiana University.
- Thatcher, R.W. and Kimble, D.P. Effect of amygdaloid lesions on retention of an avoidance response in overtrained and non-overtrained rats. Psychon. Sci., 6(1), :9-10, l966.
- Thatcher, R.W. and Cadell, T.E. A demonstration of time dependent processes associated with recall. Proc. 77th Annual Conv. APA, 1969.
- Thatcher, R.W. and Purpura, D.P. Maturational status of inhibitory and excitory synaptic activities of thalamic neurons in neonatal kittens. Brain Research, 44, :661-665, l972.
- Thatcher, R.W. and Purpura, D.P. Postnatal development of thalamic synaptic events underlying evoked recruiting responses and electrocortical activation. Brain Research, 60, :2l-24, 1973.
- Thatcher. R.W. Evoked potential correlates of delayed letter matching. Behav. Biol., 19:1-23, l977.
- John, E.R. Karmel, B., Corning, W. Easton, P., Brown, D., Ahn, H., John, M., Harmony, T., Prichep, L., Toro, A., Gerson, I., Bartlett, F., Thatcher, R., Kaye, H., Valdes, P., Schwartz, E. Neurometrics: Numerical taxonomy identifies different profiles of brain functions within groups of behaviorally similar people. Science, l96, :1393-1410, l977.
- Thatcher, R.W. Neurolinguistics: Theoretical and evolutionary perspectives. Brain and Language, 11, :235-260, 1980.
- Thatcher, R.W., Lester, M.L., McAlaster, R., and Horst, R. Effects of Low Levels of Cadmium and Lead on Cognitive Functioning in Children, Archives of Environmental Health, 37: 159-166, 1982.
- Lester, M.L., Thatcher, R.W. and Monroe-Lord, L. Refined Carbohydrate Intake, Hair Cadmium Levels and Cognitive Functioning in Children. Journal of Nutrition and Behavior, 1: 3-13, 1982.
- Vance, H.B., Lester, M.L. and Thatcher, R.W. Interscorer reliability of MPDT-R. Psychology in Schools, 20: 13-17, 1983.
- Thatcher, R.W. and Lester, M.L. Anatomically-related variations in trace metal concentrations in hair. Journal Clinical Chemistry, 29(9): 1691, 1983.
- Thatcher, R.W., Lester, M.L., McAlaster, R., Horst, R., and Ignasias, S.W. Intelligence and Lead Toxins in Rural Children, Journal of Learning Disabilities, 16: 355-359, 1983.
- Thatcher, R.W., McAlaster, R. and Lester, M.L. Evoked Potentials Related to Hair Cadmium and Lead. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 425: 23-31, 1984.
- Thatcher, R.W. and Fishbein, D.H. Computerized EEG, nutrition and behavior. Journal of Applied Nutrition, 36: 81-102", 1984.
- Thatcher, R.W., Lester, M.L., McAlaster, R. and Cantor, D.S. Comparisons among Nutrition, EEG and Trace Elements in Predicting Reading Ability in Children. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. 433: 87-96, 1985.
- Thatcher, R.W., and Lester, M.L. Nutrition, Environmental Toxins and Computerized EEG: A Mini-Max Approach to Learning Disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 18: 287-297, 1985.
- Cantor, D.S., Thatcher, R. W. and Ozand, P. Choline Supplementation in Downs Syndrome: A Case Study Psychological Reports, 58: 207-217, 1986.
- Thatcher, R.W., Krause, P and Hrybyk, M. Corticocortical Association Fibers and EEG Coherence: A Two Compartmental Model. Electroencephalog. Clinical Neurophysiol., 64: 123-143, 1986.
- Lester, M., Horst, R., and Thatcher, R.W. Protective effects of calcium and zinc against lead and cadmium toxicity in children. Nutrition and Behavior, 3: 145-161, 1986.
- Cantor DS, Thatcher RW, Hrybyk M, Kaye H. Computerized EEG analyses of autistic children. J. Autism Dev. Disord., 16(2):169-87, 1986.
- Fishbein, D. and Thatcher, R.W. New Diagnostic Methods in Criminology: Assessing Organic Sources of Behavioral Disorders. Research on Crime and Delinquency, 23 (3): 240-267, 1986.
- Cantor, D.S., Thatcher, R.W. and Kaye, H. Computerized EEG Analyses of Autistic Children. Int. J. Autism, 114: 21-36, 1987.
- Thatcher, R.W., Walker, R.A. and Guidice, S. Human cerebral hemispheres develop at different rates and ages. Science, 236: 1110-1113, 1987.
- Thatcher, R.W., Walker, R.A., Gerson, I. and Geisler, F. EEG discriminant analyses of mild head trauma. EEG and Clin. Neurophysiol., 73: 93-106, 1989.
- Wolff, T. and Thatcher, R.W., Cortical reorganization in deaf children. J. of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 12: 209-221, 1990
- Fishbein, D., Thatcher, R.W. and Cantor, D.S. Ingestion of carbohydrates varying in complexity produce differential brain responses. Clinical EEG, 43: 21-36, 1990.
- Thatcher, R.W., Cantor, D.S., McAlaster, R., Geisler, F. and Krause, P. Comprehensive predictions of outcome in closed head injury: The development of prognostic equations. Annals New York Academy of Sciences, 620: 82-104, 1991.
- Thatcher, R.W. Maturation of the human frontal lobes: Physiological evidence for staging. Developmental Neuropsychology, 7(3): 370-394, 1991.
- Johnstone, J. and Thatcher, R.W. Quantitative EEG analysis and rehabilitation issues in mild traumatic brain injury. J. Ins. Med., 19: 32-48, 1992.
- Thatcher, R.W. Cyclic cortical reorganization during early childhood. Brain and Cognition, 20: 24-50, 1992.
- Thatcher, R.W. Are rhythms of human cerebral development "traveling waves"? Behavior and Brain Sciences, 14(4): 575, 1992.
- Thatcher, R.W. New Advances in Neuroimaging - Associate Editor's Note. Journal of Neuroimaging, 4(2): 121, 1994.
- Toro, C., Deuschl, G., Thatcher, R.W., Sato, S., Kufts, C. and Hallett, M. Event related desynchronization with voluntary movements in humans: Subdural and scalp recordings and their relation to movement-related cortical potentials. EEG and Clin. Neurophysiol.,93(5):380-389, 1994.
- Thatcher, R.W. Psychopathology of Early Frontal Lobe Damage: Dependence on Cycles of Postnatal Development. Developmental Pathology, 6: 565-596, 1994.
- Thatcher, R.W. Tomographic EEG/MEG. Journal of Neuroimaging, 5, 35-45, 1995.
- Clarke, L.P., Velthuizen, R.P., Camacho, M.A., Heine, J.J., Vaidyanathan, M., Hall, L.O., Thatcher, R.W. and Silbiger, M.L. Review of MRI segmentation: Methods and applications. J. Magnetic Res. Imaging 13(3): 343-368, 1995.
- Thatcher, R.W., Camacho, M., Salazar, A., Linden, C., Biver, C. and Clarke, L. (1997). Quantitative mri of the gray-white matter distribution in traumatic brain injury. J. Neurotrauma, 14: 1-14, 1997.
- Thatcher, R.W. Neural coherence and the content of consciousness. Consciousness and cognition, 6: 42-49, 1997.
- Green, J.B., Thatcher, R.W., Bialy, Y. and Sora, E. (1996). Movement related cortical potentials (MRCP's) without movement. NeuroImage 06/1996; 3(3). DOI:10.1016/S1053-8119(96)80210-2
- Green, J.B., Bialy, Y., Sora, E. and Thatcher, R.W. An electroencephalographic study of imagined movement. Arch. Phys. Med. & Rehab., 78: 578-581, 1997.
- Green, J.B., Thatcher, R.W. Sora, E., Bialy, Y., and Ricamato, A. An electroencephalographic study of cerebral reorganization after spinal cord injury. Neurology, 28: A414 (Supplement), 1997.
- Green, J.B., Sora, E., Bialy, Y., Ricamato, A. and Thatcher, R.W. Cortical sensorimotor reorganization after spinal cord injury: An electroencephalographic study. Neurology, 50:1115-1121, 1998.
- Thatcher, R.W. EEG normative databases and EEG biofeedback. Journal of Neurotherapy, 2(4): 8-39, 1998.
- Thatcher, R. W., Biver, C., Camacho, M., McAlaster, R and Salazar, A.M. Biophysical linkage between MRI and EEG amplitude in traumatic brain injury. NeuroImage, 7, 352-367, 1998.
- Thatcher, R. W., Biver, C., McAlaster, R and Salazar, A.M. Biophysical linkage between MRI and EEG coherence in traumatic brain injury. NeuroImage, 8(4), 307-326, 1998.
- Daniel, J.C., Olesniewicz, M., Reeves, D.L., Tam, D., Bleiberg, J., Thatcher, R.W. and Salazar, A.M. Repeated measures of cognitive processing efficiency in adolescent athletes: Implications for monitoring recovery from concussion. Neuropsychiatry, Neuropsychol and Behav. Neurol., 12(3),: 167-169, 1999.
- Thatcher, R.W., Moore, N., John, E.R., Duffy, F., Hughes, J. and Krieger, M. QEEG and traumatic brain injury: Rebuttal of the American Academy of Neurology 1997 Report by the EEG and Clinical Neuroscience Society. Clinical EEG 30(3): 94-98, 1999.
- Green, J.B., Sora, E., Bialy, Y., Ricamato, A. and Thatcher, R.W. Cortical motor reorganization after paraplegia: an EEG study. Neurology, 11;53(4):736-43, 1999.
- Hoffman, D.A., Lubar, J.F., Thatcher, R.W., Sterman, B.M., Rosenfeld, P.J., Striefel, S., Trudeau, D., and Stockdale, S. Limitation of the American Academy of Neurology and American Clinical Neurophysiology Society Paper on QEEG. J of Neuropsychia. and Clin. Neurosciences; 11(3) :401-407, 1999.
- Hanlon, H. W., Thatcher, R. W. & Cline, M. J. (1999). Gender differences in the development of EEG coherence in normal children. Developmental Neuropsychology, 16(3), 479-506.
- Thatcher, R.W. QEEG and traumatic brain injury: Present and future. Brain Injury, 12: 13-21, 1999.
- Thatcher, R.W. EEG Operant Conditioning (Biofeedback) and Traumatic Brain Injury. Clinical EEG, 31(1): 38-44, 2000.
- Thatcher R.W., Gomez-Molina J.F., Biver. C., North, D., Curtin, R. and Walker, R.W., Two Compartmental Model of EEG Coherence and MRI Biophysics. Behavior and Brain Sciences, 23(3): 412, 2000.
- Thatcher, R.W., North, D., Curtin, R., Walker, R.A., Biver, C., J.F. Gomez M., and Salazar, A. An EEG Severity Index of Traumatic Brain Injury, J. Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 13(1): 77-87, 2001.
- Gomez, J. and Thatcher, R.W. Frequency domain equivalence between potentials and currents using LORETA. Int. J. of Neuroscience, 107: 161-171, 2001.
- Thatcher R.W., Biver, C.L., Gomez-Molina J.F., North, D., Curtin, R. and Walker, R.W., and Salazar, A. Estimation of the EEG Power Spectrum by MRI T2 Relaxation Time in Traumatic Brain Injury. Clinical Neurophysiology, 112: 1729-1745, 2001.
- Thatcher, R.W., Biver, C., and North, D., Quantitative EEG and the Frye and Daubert Standards of Admissibility. Clinical Electroencephalography, 34(2): 39-53, 2003.
- Thatcher, R.W., Walker, R.A., Biver, C., North, D., Curtin, R., Quantitative EEG Normative databases: Validation and Clinical Correlation, J. Neurotherapy, 7 (No. ¾): 87–122, 2003.
- Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. EEG inverse solutions and parametric vs. nonparametric statistics of Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography (LORETA). Clin. EEG and Neuroscience, 36(1), 1–9, 2005.
- Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. Evaluation and Validity of a LORETA normative EEG database. Clin. EEG and Neuroscience, 2005, 36(2): 116-122.
- Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. EEG and Intelligence: Univariate and Multivariate Comparisons Between EEG Coherence, EEG Phase Delay and Power. Clinical Neurophysiology, 2005, 116(9):2129-2141.
- Thatcher, R.W., Biver, C. J., and North, D. Spatial-Temporal Current Source Correlations and Cortical Connectivity, Clin. EEG and Neuroscience, 38(1): 35–48, 2007.
- Thatcher, R.W., Biver, C. J., and North, D. Intelligence and EEG current density using Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography, Human Brain Mapping, 2007, 28(2): 118–133.
- Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. Development of cortical connectivity as measured by EEG coherence and phase. Human Brain Mapp., 2008, 12:1400-1415
- Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. Intelligence and EEG phase reset: A twocompartmental model of phase shift and lock, NeuroImage, 42(4): 1639-1653, 2008.
- Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. Self organized criticality and the development of EEG phase reset. Human Brain Mapp., 2009, 30(2): 553-574.
- McCormick, L.M., Yamada, T., Yeh,M., Brumm, M.C. and Thatcher, R.W. Antipsychotic Effect of Electroconvulsive Therapy is Related to Normalization of Subgenual Cingulate Theta Activity in Psychotic Depression. J. of Psychiatric Res., 43(5): 553-560, 2009.
- Thatcher, R.W., Remembrances of Erwin Roy John, Journal of Neurotherapy, 13: 1-3, 2009.
- Thatcher, R.W. A review of “Rhythms of the Brain” by G. Buszaki. Journal of Neurotherapy, 13: 5-6, 2009.
- Thatcher, R.W., North, D., Neurbrander, J., Biver, C.J., Cutler, S. and DeFina, P. Autism and EEG phase reset: Deficient GABA mediated inhibition in thalamo-cortical circuits. Dev. Neuropsych. 34(6), 780–800, 2009.
- Narushima K., McCormick, L.M., Yamada, T., Thatcher, R.W. and Robinson, R.G. Subgenual cingulate theta activity predicts treatment response of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in participants with vascular depression. J. Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 22(1):75-84, 2010.
- Thatcher, R.W. Reliability and validity of quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG). J. of Neurotherapy, 14:122-152, 2010.
- Thatcher, R.W. 2010. LORETA Z score biofeedback. NeuroConnections Newsletter, Part 2, 15-17.
- Amen, D.G., Newberg, A., Thatcher, R.W., Jin, Y., Wu, J., Keator, D., Willeumier, K. (2011). Impact of Playing Professional American Football on Long Term Brain Function. J Neuropsychiatry Clin. Neurosci 23(1): 98-106.
- Thatcher, R.W. 2012. Coherence, phase difference, phase shift and phase lock in EEG/ERP analyses. Developmental Neuropsychology, 37(6):476-96. doi:10.1080/87565641.2011.619241.
- Thatcher, R.W., North, D.M., and Biver, C.J. 2011. Diffusion Tensor Imaging ‘Modules’ Correlated with LORETA Electrical NeuroImaging ‘Modules’. Human Brain Mapping 33(5):1062-1075.
- Collura, T.F. and Thatcher, R.W. (2011). Comment on Study of QEEG-Guided Neurofeedback for Migraine Headaches and Randomized Control Designs. Letter to the Editor, Clin. EEG and Neuroscience. 42(2):VIII-IX.
- Thatcher, R.W. (2011). Neuropsychiatry and Quantitative Electroencephalography in the 21st Century. Neuropsychiatry, October, 1(5): 495-514 (doi: 10.2217/npv.11).
- Thatcher, R.W. (2011). Neuroleadership. NeuroConnections Newletter, part 4, 12-14.
- Thatcher, R.W. (2011). LORETA Z score biofeedback and traumatic brain injury. NeuroConnections Newsletter, part 3, 9-12.
- Thatcher, R.W. (2012). Latest Developments in Live Z-score Training: Symptom Check List, Phase Reset and LORETA Z Score Biofeedback. (2012). J. of Neurotherapy, 17(1): 69-87.
- Balthazard, P.A., Waldman, D.A., Thatcher, R.W. and Hannah, S.T. (2012). Differentiating transformational and non-transformational leaders on the basis of neurological imaging. Leadership Quarterly, 23(2) : 244-258.
- Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. (2012) Diffusion Spectral Imaging Modules Correlate with EEG LORETA Neuroimaging Modules. Human Brain Mapping 33:1062–1075.
- Hannah, S.T., Pierre, P.A. Waldman, D.A. Jennings, P. L., Thatcher, R. W. (2013). The psychological and neurological bases of leader self-complexity and effects on adaptive decision-making. Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 98, No. 3, 393–411.
- Hannah, S.T., Balthazard, P.A., Waldman, D.A., Jennings, P.L. and Thatcher, R.W. (2013). The Psychological and Neurological Bases of Leader Self-Complexity and Effects on Adaptive Decision-Making. Journal of Applied Psychology, doi: 10.1037/a0032257.
- Gao, Y., Burns, S.S., Lauzon, C.B., Fong, A.E., James, T.A., Lubar, J.F., Thatcher, R.W., Twillie, D.A., Wirt, M.D., Zola, M.A., Logan, B.W., Anderson, A.W. and Landman, B.A. (2013). Integration of XNAT/PACS, DICOM, and Research Software for Automated Multi-modal Image Analysis. Proceedings of SPIE, doi: 10.1117/12.2007621.
- Thatcher, R.W. (2014). Advances in assessment and treatment of ADHD using network analyses. Biofeedback, 42(2) DOI: 10.5298/1081-5937-42.2.07.
- Cannon RL, Pigott HE, Surmeli T, Simkin DR, Thatcher RW, Van den Bergh W, Gluck G, Lubar JF, Davis R, Foster DS, Douglas J, Malcolm AT, Bars D, Little K, Center W, Berman M, Russell H, Hammer B, Koberda JL. (2014). The problem of patient heterogeneity and lack of proper training in a study of EEG neurofeedback in children. J Clin Psychiatry. 2014 Mar;75(3):289-90. doi: 10.4088/JCP.13lr08850.
- Simkin DR, Thatcher RW, Lubar J. (2014).Quantitative EEG and Neurofeedback in Children and Adolescents: Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Comorbid Addiction and Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, and Brain Injury. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am. 2014 Jul;23(3):427-464. doi: 10.1016/j.chc.2014.03.001.
- Moss, D., Cannon,R., Thatcher,R.W., Koberda,J.L. and Gunkelman, J. (2014). Special Issue: Advances in the Use of QEEG and Neurofeedback for ADHD 42(2):37-38. DOI:10.5298/1081-5937-42.2.09.
- Thatcher, R.W., North, D., and Biver, C. (2014). LORETA EEG phase reset of the default mode network. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8(529): 1-14.
- Thatcher, R.W., Palmero-Soler, E., North, D., and Biver, C. (2016). Intelligence and EEG measures of information flow: Efficiency and Homeostatic Neuroplasticity. Sci. Rep. 6, 38890; doi: 10.1038/srep38890.
- Thatcher, R.W., Lubar, J. F. and Koberda, J.L. (2019). Z-Score EEG Biofeedback: Past, Present and Future. Biofeedback, 47(4): 89-103, DOI: 10.5298/1081-5937-47.4.04.
- Thatcher R.W., Biver C.J., Soler E.P., Lubar J., Koberda J.L. (2020). New Advances in Electrical Neuroimaging, Brain Networks and Neurofeedback Protocols. J Neurology and Neurobiology, 6(3):
- Faridi, A., Taremian, F., Thatcher, R. W., Dadashi, M., Moloodi, R. (2020). Comparison of LORETA Z score Neurofeedback and Cognitive Rehabilitation in terms of their Effectiveness in Reducing Craving in Opioid Addicts. Basic and Clinical Neuroscience. Just Accepted publication Oct. 3, 2020. Doi: DOI:
- 1968-1970: National Research Council Scholarship, University of Waterloo.
- 1970: Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship, University of Waterloo.
- 1971-1972: N.I.H. Postdoctoral Fellowship.
- 1972-1973: N.I.H. Postdoctoral Fellowship.
- 1981: Outstanding Scientist of the Year Award, Science Digest Magazine, December, 1981.
- 1982: Third Prize for a Scientific Exhibit, Congress of Neurological Surgeons, Toronto, Canada, October, 1982.
- 1985: Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Research, University of Maryland Eastern Shore, March 27, 1985.
- 1988: IBM Fulcrum Award For Advanced Education Project.
- 1991: Awarded Research Fellowship to the Center for Advanced Study, Stanford University, 1992-1993.
- 1998: Life Time Achievement Award for Work in the Scientific Specialty of QEEG, American Board of Certification of Quantitative Electroencephalography, September, 1998.
- 2008: The Hans Berger Award of Merit, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, Neurofeedback Division, May 16, 2008.
- 2009: Life Time Achievement Award in EEG and Quantitative EEG, International Society for Neurofeedback and Research, Indianapolis, Indiana, September, 2009.
- 2012: Best Paper Award: “Differentiating transformational and non-transformational leaders on the basis of neurological imaging”. Published in The Leadership Quarterly, 2012. Sponsored by the Center for Creative Leadership.
- 2020: Pioneer in Medicine Award, 2020 Society for Brain Mapping and Therapeutics (SBMT).