- 1955-1959: Primary school at Pedagogical School, Timisoara.
- 1959-1962: Primary school Nr. 2, Timisoara.
- 1962-1966: College study at Highschool “C.D.Loga”, Timisoara.
- 1966: Baccalaureat nr. 3322/1966.
- 1967-1973: Study of Medicine at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Victor Babes”, Timisoara, Romania (graduating mark: 8,65).
- 1973: Diploma Work “The importance of Paraclinical Tests in Periferic Facial Paralysis”; Scientific coordinator Dr. Dragos Girbea (promovation mark: 9,00).
Work and Teaching Experience
- 1973-1977: General practitioner–Maldaresti village, Vilcea county.
- 1977-1980: Resident doctor in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Clinical Hospital nr. 5, Timisoara.
- 1980: Specialist doctor in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- 1981-1992: Specialist doctor in Obstetrics and Gynecology in Arad, Maternity Hospital.
- 1991: Primar doctor in Obstetrics and Gynecology, gr. III.
- 1992: Lecturer at University of Medicine and Pharmacy “V. Babes”, Timisoara, Romania, Departament of Obstetrics and Gynecology III.
- 2000: Associated Professor.
- 1993-1997: Ph.D. studies at Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic “Bega”; Scientific coordinator Prof. Dr. I. Muntean, research field: “Modern Research Techniques and Vaginal Surgical Treatment in Gynecological Diseases”
- 2000: Ph.D. graduation
- 2001: Universitary Professor – Head of the Universitary Clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology “Bega”.
- 2008: Dean of the “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
- 2008: Vice-president of the Romanian Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- 2009: University Professor at the “Victor Babes” University of Medicine and Pharmacy.
- 2012: Vice-president of the Romanian Society of Echography in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
- "The prevention of Urinary Stres Incontinence (USI) Through and an original procedure of peritonealisation at women with previous Histerectomy", I. Munteanu. D. Anastasiu, M. Craina in: Obstetric and Gynecologie - Honorary Edition for D'Aravantinos. Grecia, 1998, pp. 775-778.
- "Dosage of Phosphats as a method of Paraclinic Investigastion in Prolonged Pregnancies", I. Munteanu, D. Anastasiu, I. Gaboras, M. Craina, C. Dota. D. Bran-Walter. A. Maxim. Archivio di Obstetrica e Ginecologia Italia. Fas. II. 1997, pag. 43-48, rev.cotata ISI.
- Alice Dema, Carmen Ardelean, Elena Lazar, Sorina Taban, Codruta Lazureanu, Angela Borda, Dana Terzea, Maria Coroianu, D. Anastasiu – Valoarea unor markeri imunohistochimici si serologici pentru elucidarea unei tumori uterine particulare la femeia in postmenopauza – prezentare de caz. Articol acceptat spre publicare. Rev. Romana de Medicina de laborator – cotata ISI.
- Craina M., Anastasiu D., Gluhovschi A., Stelea Lavinia, Bran Lavinia, Bernad Elena – Laparoscopic intervention during pregnancy – in Gynecological Surgery Ed. Springer, vol 6, Supliment 1, 20 octombrie 2009, pag 565.
- I. Munteanu, D. Anastasiu, N. Hrubaru, Cornelia Oana, Lavinia Stelea – The value of the clasical conservative and of the laparoscopic surgery during pregnancy – Research program Executive Comitee Meeting Obgyn Association of DKMT Region, Szeged, 2006, Hungary, pag. 154-164.
- M. Craina. D. Anastasiu, Elena Vladescu, A. Gluhovschi, I. Munteanu – The laparoscopic treatment of ginecologic emergencies, vol. XII annual congres Cancun, Mexico, p.70.
- "The late prognosis of new born infarits with low APGAR score at birth", IX Anastasiu, C. Ilie, A. Gluhovschi, Cristina Crista, Journal of Perinatal Medicine, voi. 29, suppliment I, 2001, p. 328, Ed. Walter de Gruyter GmbH Berlin-Neu York Journal of Perinatal Medicine (Oficial Journal of the World Association of Perinatal Medicine), vo.29/2001, suppl.1, pag. 331-332, ISSN 0936-174X. Publishing online ISSN 0300-5577, jurnal cotat ISI cu factor de impact 1,221 in anul 2001.
- "The importance of prenatal diagnosis of some Toumorus abdominal formations. for the conduct - Evolution and postnatal prognostication", C. Ilie, I. Munteanu, Gh. Budău, C. Popoiu, D. Anastasiu, Daiana Stanciu, F. Dorneanu, Journal of Perinatal Medicine, voi. 29, suppliment I. 2001, p. 331, Ed. Walter de Gruyter GmbH -Berlin-New York Journal of Perinatal Medicine (Oficial Journal of the World Association of Perinatal Medicine), vo.29/2001, suppl.1, pag. 331-332, ISSN 0936-174X. Publishing online ISSN 0300-5577, jurnal cotat ISI cu factor de impact 1,221 in anul 2001.
- "The value of surgical treatment in Early Pregnancy". I. Munteanu. D. Anastasiu, M. Craina in The Fourth World Conference on Early Pregnancy Pecs (Ungaria), 2000, p. 12.
- "Maternal mortality dinamics in two different social periods", I. Munteanu, D Anastasiu. Samira Bekaoui, First World Congress of Maternal Mortality. Marakesh (Maroc). 1998.
- "The prevention of urinary stres incontinence at women with Histerectomy through an original method of suspension of the Vaginal Vault", I. Munteanu, D. Anastasiu. 13 Congress of the European Association of Gynaecolosists and Obstetricians (EAGO)Jerusalem (Israel), 1998.
- "The impact of pregnant women’s latent toxoplasmosis on human reproduction” – D. Anastasiu, A. Gluhovschi, Diana Maria Anastasiu – The Journal of Maternal-Fetal and neonatal Medicine, Granada, Spania 210, pag, 188.
- "Study regarding the level of contraception knowledges on high school students” – A. Gluhovschi, M. Caraivan, Diana Maria Anastasiu, M. Craina, D. Anastasiu – The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, Haga, vol 15, Suppl 1/2010, pag. 88, pag. 76.
- "Psychosomatic aspects of pregnant women who recourse by their own will to end the pregnancy” – Z. Popa, D. Anastasiu, Varvara Suta, Adina Berar, M. Craina – The European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care, Haga, vol 15, Suppl 1/2010, pag. 190.
- "The impact of latent toxoplasmosis of pregnant women on human reproduction” – D. Anastasiu, A. Gluhovschi, Diana Maria Anastasiu– Advances in perinatal medicine, Monduzzi Editore, 26-29 May 2010, Granada, Spain, pag 405-411.
- "Weight loss impact on young adult active female sexual life” – Stoian D., Craina M., Anastasiu D., The Journal of Sexual medicine, Vol 8, Suppl 5, Dec. 2011, ISSN 1743-6095, pag 391.
- "Autoimmune thyroiditis – impact on sexual well-being in premenopausal women” – Stoian D., Anastasiu D., Craina M., The Journal of Sexual medicine, Vol 8, Suppl 5, Dec. 2011, ISSN 1743-6095, pag 380.
- Alexandru Oancea, Casiana Stanescu, Diana Maria Anastasiu – Popov, Radu Neamtu, Doru Anastasiu, Adrian Gluhovschi, Marioara Poenaru – Pregnancy Anemia as a Favorable Factor of Premature Birth, Buc 2018, Rev.Chimie 69,7, pag.1886 - 1888 ; FI: 1.74.
- Anastasiu-Popov Diana Maria, Toth G.A., Hinoveanu Denisa Adriana, Anastasiu D., Gluhovschi A., Incidence and Influence of Urinary Incontinence on Instituti onalized Women Life Quality, Revista Urogyn, Filodiritto Editore, 2016, pp. 11-15, revistă indexată ISI.
- Oancea A., Anastasiu D., Toth G.A., Frandeş Mirela, Stănescu Casiana, Gluhovschi A., Anastasiu-Popov Diana Maria, Associations Between the Risk of Preterm Birth, Gestational Age at which the Birth Occurred and Bitrht Weight of Newborns, rev. Urogyn, Filodiritto Editore, 2016, pp.223-228, revistă indexată ISI.
- Oancea A., Frandeş Mirela, Lungeanu Diana, Anastasiu D., Stănescu Casiana, Anastasiu-Popov Diana Maria, Assessing Etiological Prognostic Factors Associated Weight Preterm Birth by a Questionaire-based Risk Score, Urogyn Filodiritto Editore, 2016, pp.217-222, revistă indexată ISI.
- Toth G.A., Anastasiu D., Craina M., Anastasiu-Popov Diana Maria, Moleriu Lavinia, Cîtu Ioana, Cîtu C., Ioniță Ioana, Petre Izabela, First Trimester Screening for Preeclampsia, vol. Conf. Intern. Soc. Rom.-Ger. Obst. Ginec, ed. Artpress, Timişoara, 2017, pag. 48-50.
- Gluhovschi A., Anastasiu D., Toth G.A., Anastasiu-Popov Diana Maria, Cîmpean Luminița, Nițu R., Valoarea determinării ecografice a grosimii cicatricei uterine și segmentului inferior în indicația nașterii prin operație cezariană, vol. Conf. Internat. Soc. Rom.-Germ. Obst. Ginec, ed. Artpress, Timişoara, 2017, pag. 51-52.
- Anastasiu-Popov Diana Maria, Gluhovschi A., Hinoveanu Denisa, Anastasiu D., Influenţa menopauzei asupra modificărilor morfo-funcţionale ale organismului la femeile instituţionalizate, vol. Congr. Soc. Naţ. Rom. de Menopauză, Sinaia, 2016.
- Anastasiu-Popov Diana Maria, Lazăr A., Dema Alice, Shabatat A., Anastasiu D., Gluhovschi A., Particularități privind incidența diagnosticului și corelarea hiperplaziei endometriale cu cancerul de col uterin, Zilele Medicale Devene, ed. a IX-a, 2016, pp. 3.
- Diana Maria Anastasiu, A. Gluhovschi, A.G. Toth, D. Anastasiu, Procedee și consecințele ligaturii tubare, Al IX-lea Congr. Soc. Rom. Ginec. Endocrin., București, 2015, pp. 16.
- D. Anastasiu, Diana Anastasiu-Popov, Denisa Hinoveanu, A. Gluhovschi, Managementul acuzaţiilor de malpraxis în Obstetrică-Ginecologie, ”Zilele Medicale Vasile Dobrovici”, Iași, 2018.
- Gluhovschi, Diana Maria Anastasiu-Popov, G.A. Toth, M. Craina, D.M. Anastasiu, Studiu comparative privind incidența intervențiilor laparoscopice la un interval de 5 ani în Clinica Bega, Al 3-lea Congres Național de Chirurgie Minim Invazivă, Arad, 2016.
- Diana Anastasiu Maria, Ada Cean, Florina Bojin, Adrian Gluhovschi, Doru Anastasiu, Vrigil Paunescu – Placental Stem cells modulate tumor formation in mouse model of uterine sarcoma- Vol. rez. p. – Poster p.16 poz: 48, Belgrad 2013.
- Dana Stoian, M. Craina, Diana Anastasiu, Maria Crăciunescu, Anastasiu D., Lifestyle Changes Versus Oral Contraceptives Treatment Impact on Sexual Life of Young Women With Polycystic Ovary Sindrome, European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Care, 2013, 18 (Suppl. 1), pp. 155, ISSN 1362-5187, Factor Impact 1,808.
- Dana Stoian, M. Craina, Maria Crăciunescu, Diana Maria Anastasiu, D.M. Anastasiu, Changes in Sexual Life in Overweight Women with Sustained Weightloss, European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Care, 2013, 18 (Suppl. 1), pp. 220, ISSN 1362-5187, Factor Impact 1,808.
- Dana Stoian, M. Craina, Maria Crăciunescu, Diana Anastasiu, Anastasiu D., Benefits of Active Followup of Autoimmune Thiroid Disease in Preconception, European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Care, 2013, 18 (Suppl. 1), pp. 251, ISSN 1362-5187, Factor Impact 1,808.
- Anastasiu D., Gluhovschi A., Daniela Muntean, R. Nițu, Diana Maria Anastasiu, Aspect of Adaptability Newborns with Fetal Distress According to How to Solve the Birth, The International Conference for the Human Reproductive Health ”The Normal Adaptological Pregnancy”, Timișoara, 2010, BDI.
- Gluhovschi A., Craiovan Magdalena, Anastasiu Diana Maria, Craina M., Anastasiu D., Study Regarding the Level of Contraception in Knowledge in Highschool Students in European Journal of Contraception, Haga, 2010, BDI in Forma Healthcare.
- V. B Sorop, V. M. Boruga, I. A. Panzaru, I. R Barac, C. Ultescu, A. L. Maghiari, F. Baderca, L. Balan, M. Sorop-Florea, V. Dumitrascu, D. M. Anastasiu, D. Radu, O. Suciu. Hormone treatment and UVB exposure influences on female mice regarding skin physiological parameters, biochemical parameters and organ histology. Rom. J. :879-887 ISSN (print) 1220-0522, ISSN (online) 2066-8279 doi 10.47 162/RJME 61 f. i. 3,26.
- B Sorop, V. L. Vlad, A. Heghes, D Berceanu-Vaduva, L. Balan, M. Sorop Florea, D. Anastasiu. Folates and antifolates – chemical perspectives, in vitro and in ovo assessment. Revista de Chimie, vol. 71, nr. 7, pag. 481-490, 2020, ISSN 0034-7752, f. i. 1,78.