Education and Training
- 1978-82: A.B. History - Stanford University Stanford, California.
- 1982-87: Medical Degree - University of Kansas School of Medicine Kansas City, Kansas.
- 1987-88: Intern - Department of Psychiatry University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Iowa City, Iowa.
- 1988-89: Junior assistant resident - Department of Medicine Bayview Medical Center Baltimore, Maryland (Johns Hopkins University).
- 1989-92: Resident - Department of Neurology University of Kansas School of Medicine Kansas City, Kansas.
- 1992-94: Fellow - Department of Neurology and Clinical Psychology (behavioral neurology) with Dr. Kenneth M. Heilman, Distinguished Professor University of Florida College of Medicine Gainesville, Florida.
Medical Staff Appointments: (current and past)
- 2017- present: Osceola Regional Medical Center.
- 2012-present: Florida Hospital (courtesy).
- 1997-present: Orlando Health (active).
- 2010-2013: Shands Hospital, University of Florida.
- 1994-1997: New England Medical Center (now Tufts Medical Center).
- 1994-1997: Lemuel Shattuck Hospital, Jamaica Plains, Massachusetts.
- 1995-1997: Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital.
Other Professional Appointments: (current and past)
- 2017-2019: Chair - Department of Neurology, Orlando Health.
- 2011-2017: Vice Chair - Department of Neurology, Orlando Health.
- 2005-2019: Director of Stroke Services - Orlando Health.
- 2007-present: Director - Multiple Sclerosis Care Center of NSO, an MSFC certified multiple sclerosis center.
- 2003-present: President - Foundation for Neurology Research (nonprofit) 503(c) corporation.
- 1998-2002: Founding neurologist and staff neurologist - Memory Disorders Clinic, Orlando Health, Division of Elder Affairs, State of Florida.
- 2011-2012: Staff neurologist - Memory Disorder Clinic, Orlando Health, Division of Elder Affairs, State of Florida.
- 2000-2002: Research Director - Memory Disorders Clinic, Orlando Health.
- 1999-2002: Staff neurologist - National Parkinson Foundation Center of Excellence Orlando Health.
- 2000-2003: Staff neurologist - Orlando Regional Multiple Sclerosis Care Center.
- 1999-present: Founding Neurologist - Neurological Services of Orlando, P.A. (Managing partner, 1994-present).
- 1997-1999: Assistant Directory Medical Education and staff neurologist - Orlando Health.
- 1996-1997: Director - Tufts Stroke Unit (Rehabilitation) Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital Boston, Massachusetts .
- 1994-1997: Behavioral Neurologist - Tufts Medical Center Tufts University School of Medicine.
- Jacobs DH, Morris DC, Anderson HC. Matrix vesicle formation in vitro: cultures of isolated rat growth plate chondrocytes induce vesiculation. Student Research Papers, University of Kansas College of Health Sciences and Hospital, 4, 1983.
- Jacobs DH, Lee JM, Jacobs DS. Perirectal developmental cyst. Kansas Medicine 87:11: 308-309,316, 1986.
- Jacobs DH, Holmes FF, McFarlane MJ. Female patients with meningioma of the sphenoid ridge and additional primary neoplasms of the breast and genital tract. Cancer 60: 3080-3082, 1987.
- Anderson HC, Stechschulte DJ, Collins DE, Jacobs DH, et al. Matrix vesicle biogenesis in vitro by rachitic and normal chondrocytes. American Journal of Pathology. 136: 2: 391-398, 1990.
- Jacobs DH, Holmes FF, McFarlane MJ. Breast cancers are not significantly associated with meningiomas. Archives of Neurology 49: 753-756, 1992.
- Jacobs DH, Huber SJ. The Role of the caudate in nonmotor behaviors of Huntington's disease. Behavioural Neurology 5: 4: 205-214, 1992.
- Jacobs DH, Wilson DB, Haffey KA, Lawhorn SL, Baxter KG, Robinson RG, Ziegler DK. Screening cerebrovascular patients for silent myocardial ischemia with bicycle ergometer stress testing and ambulatory nuclear medicine left ventricular function monitor Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases, 4:81-85, 1994.
- Gold M, Adair J, Jacobs DH, Heilman KM. Anosognosia for hemiplegia (AHP): an electrophysiologic investigation of the feed-forward hypothesis. Neurology, 44:1804-1808, 1994.
- Jacobs DH, Shuren J, Heilman KM. Impaired perception of facial identity and facial affect in Huntington's disease. Neurology 45:1217-1218, 1995.
- Adair JC, Williamson DJG, Jacobs DH, Na DL, Heilman KM. Neglect of radial and vertical space: importance of the retinotopic reference frame. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 58: 724-728, 1995.
- Gold M, Adair JC, Jacobs DH, Heilman KM. Right-left confusion in Gerstmann's syndrome: a model of body-centered spatial orientation. Cortex 31: 267-283, 1995.
- Jacobs DH, Shuren J, Bowers D, Heilman KM. Anomia and amnesia in a patient with a basal forebrain lesion. Neuropsychology, Neuropsychiatry, and Behavioral Neurology 8:200-207, 1995.
- Jacobs DH, Shuren J, Bowers D, Heilman KM. Emotional facial imagery, perception, and expression in Parkinson's disease. Neurology 45, 1696-1702,1995.
- Jacobs DH, Shuren J, Gold M, Adair JC, Bowers D, Williamson DJG, Heilman KM. Physostigmine pharmacotherapy for anomia. Neurocase 2:83-91, 1996.
- Shuren JE, Jacobs DH, Heilman KM. Diencephalic temporal order amnesia. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 62: 163-168, 1997.
- Gold M, Nadeau SE, Jacobs DH, Rothi LJG, Heilman KM. Adynamic aphasia: a transcortical motor aphasia with defective semantic strategy formation. Brain and Language 57: 374-393, 1997.
- Shuren J, Jacobs DH, Heilman KM. The influence of center of mass effect on the distribution of spatial attention in the vertical and horizontal dimensions. Brain and Cognition 34: 293-300,1997.
- Takis C, Kwan ES, Pessin MS, Jacobs DH, Caplan LR. Intracranial angioplasty: experience and complications Am J Neuroradiol 18:1661-1668, 1997.
- Nelles G, Contois KA, Valente SL, Higgins JL, Jacobs DH, Kaplan JD, Pessin MS. Recovery following lateral medullary infarct. Neurology 50:1418-1422, 1998.
- Jacobs DH, Adair JC, Williamson DJG, Na DL, Gold M, Foundas AL, Shuren JE, Cibula JE, Heilman KM. Apraxia and Motor-Skill Acquisition in Alzheimer's Disease are Dissociable. Neuropsychologia. 37: 875-880, 1999.
- Merians AS, Clark M, Poizner H, Jacobs DH, Adair JC, Macauley BE, Rothi LJG, Heilman KM. Apraxia differs in corticobasal degeneration and left-parietal stroke: a case study. Brain and Cognition 40: 314-335, 1999.
- Jacobs DH, Adair JC, Macauley BE, Gold M, Rothi LJG, Heilman KM. Apraxia in Corticobasal Degeneration. Brain and Cognition. 40: 336-354, 1999.
- Hughes JD, Jacobs DH, Heilman KM. Neuropharmacology and linguistic neuroplasticity. Brain Lang.71: 96-101, 2000.
- Sadovnik AD, Jacobs DH. MS and cognition and APOE: The ongoing conundrum about biomarkers. Neurology 70: 164-165, 2008 (editorial).
- Jacobs, DH. Atrial fibrillation and myasthenia gravis crisis. The Neurologist, 2019 (in press).
- Jacobs DH, McFarlane MJ, Holmes FF. Meningiomas and obesity reconsidered. Annals of Neurology 20:3, 376, 1986 [letter].
- Jacobs DH, Jamieson PW. Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome associated with an ameloblastoma of the tibia. Muscle and Nerve, 16: 986-987, 1993 [letter].
- Jacobs DH, Adair JC, Heilman KM. Visual grasp in corticobasal degeneration. Annals of Neurology 36:4:279, 1994 [letter].
- Jacobs DH. Herpes simplex virus encephalitis following corticosteroids and cranial irradiation. Neurology 52: 1108-1109, 1999 [letter].
- Jacobs DH. Palestinian domestic violence: unwarranted political conclusions. Lancet 375:1253, 2010 (letter).
- Jacobs, Daniel H.; Anthony, Douglas; Moral, Luis; Rorke-Adams, Lucy; Newell, Kathy; Kleinschmidt-DeMasters, B.K. John J Kepes, MD, 1928-2010 (in memorium) Journal of Neuropathology & Experimental Neurology. 69:425-427,2010.
- Hauser SL, Waubant E Arnold DL, Vollmer T, Antel J, Fox RJ, Bar-on A, Panzara M, Sarkar N, Agarwal S, Langer-Gould A, Smith CH, Hermes Trial Group. B-Cell depletion with rituximab in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. N Engl J Med. 358: 676-688, 2008 (site for trial).
- The CAMMS223 Trial Investigators. Alemtuzumab vs. Interferon Beta-1-a in early multiple sclerosis. N Engl J Med. 359: 1786-1801, 2008. (site for trial).
- Stechschulte DJ, Morris DC, Collins DE, Jacobs DH, Redford PA, Anderson HC. Matrix vesicle biogenesis in vitro by primary cultures of normal and rachitic rat chondrocytes. Presented at Faculty Research Day and Poster Session, University of Kansas School of Medicine, 1989.
- Ziegler DK, Jacobs DH, Lawhorn SL, et al. Screening cerebrovascular patients for silent myocardial ischemia using ambulatory VEST. Presented at the American Academy of Neurology , New York, New York, April 1993. (Abstract: Neurology 43: Suppl 1:160, 1993).
- Williamson DJG, Adair JC, Jacobs DH, Raymer S, Heilman KM. Lexical retrieval in Alzheimer's disease: nouns worse than verbs. Presented at INS, Seattle, Washington, February, 1994. (Abstract, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 1:2:148).
- Shuren J, Jacobs DH, Heilman KM. The influence of objects on the allocation of spatial attention in the vertical and horizontal planes. Presented at INS, Cincinatti, February, 1994. (Abstract, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 1:4:372).
- Adair JC, Williamson DJG, Jacobs DH, Na D, Heilman KM. Far radial-superior neglect : identification of a viewer-centered reference frame. Presented at INS, Seattle, Washington, February, 1994. (Abstract, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 1:2:142).
- Jacobs DH, NA DL, Cibula JE, Adair JC, Williamson DJG, Shuren J, Gold M, Foundas A, Heilman KM. Apraxia score does not predict motor learning performance in Alzheimer's disease. Presented at INS, Seattle, Washington, February, 1994. (Abstract, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 1:2:147).
- Jacobs DH, Shuren J, Na DL, Adair JC, Heilman KM. Superior vertical and far radial neglect in a patient with Huntington's disease: evidence that the neglect is a motor-intentional disorder. Presented at INS, Seattle, Washington, February, 1994. (Abstract, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 1:2:148).
- Merians AS, Clark M, Poizner H, Jacobs D, MacAuley B, Rothi L, Heilman KM. Kinematic deficits of apraxia in a case of corticobasal degeneration. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California, November, 1995. (Abstract: Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 21:172.4 part 1 page 415, 1995).
- Kaplan RF, Cohen RA, Jones-Woodward L, Jacobs DH. Awareness of deficit after the sodium amobarbital test. Presented at the International Neuropsychological Society meeting, Orlando, Florida, February, 1997. (Abstract, Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society 3:1:8, 1997).
- Pattisapu JV, Trimble ER, Taylor K, Jacobs DH. Percutaneous endoscopic shunt recanalization: a clinical study of 19 cases. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience meeting, New Orleans, Louisana, November, 1998 (Abstract: Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 24:90.4 part 1 page 225, 1998).
- Jacobs DH, Rajendran P, Kaplan RF. Acetylcholinesterase inhibitors for aphasia. Presented at the Society for Neuroscience meeting, Miami, Florida, November, 1998 (Abstract Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 25:654.13 part 2 page 1637, 1999).
- Compston A and the CAMMS223 Study Group. Autoantibody prediction of risk for thyroid adverse events after treatment for relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Presented at the American Academy of Neurology, Boston, Massachusetts, April, 2007 (Abstract Neurology 47 2007).
- Coles A and the CAMMS223 Study Group. Two-year interim analysis of thyroid abnormalities in a trial of alemtuzumab v. high dose Beta-1a for treatment of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Presented at the American Academy of Neurology, Boston, Massachusetts, April, 2007 (Abstract Neurology 47 2007).
- Coles A and the CAMMS223 Study Group. Alemtuzumab compared with subcutaneous high-dose IFNB-1a in treatment-naïve relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis: primary efficacy outcomes of CamMS223 at 3 years. Presented at the American Academy of Neurology, Chicago, Illinois, April, 2008 (Abstract S22.006).
- Fox E and the CAMMS223 Study Group. Sustained positive effects of alemtuzumab on diverse neurological functions in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients. Presented at the American Academy of Neurology, Toronto, Ontario, April, 2010 (Abstract P05.042).
- Fox E and the CAMMS223 Study Group. Long term followup of immune thrombocytopenia after treatment of multiple sclerosis patients with alemtuzumab in CAMMS223. Presented at the American Academy of Neurology, Toronto, Ontario, April, 2010 (Abstract P05.036).
- Fox E and the CAMMS223 Study Group. Alemtuzumab reduces disease progression in RRMS: long term results of the CAMMS223 trial. Presented at the American Academy of Neurology, Toronto, Ontario, April, 2010 (Abstract P04.213).
- Physicians Exemplary Colleague Award. Orlando Health, 2010.
- Best Doctors, 2010-2019 selected by peers.
- Top Doctors, 2011-2019, selected by peers.
- Patient Choice Award, 2009, 2010.