Waqar Abdul-Qahar Abdul-Hammed Al-Kubaisy

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Degree and Qualification
- 1998: Ph.D. Community Medicine, Faculty of Mediecine - AL-Nahrin University, Baghdad, Iraq.
- 1981: Master of Community Medicine, Baghdad Faculty of Medicine – Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq.
- 1978: Diploma in Public Health, Baghdad Faculty of Medicine – Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq.
- 1970: M.B.Ch.B. Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, Baghdad Faculty Of Medicine – Baghdad University, Baghdad, Iraq.
Clinical and Teaching Experience
- 1971–1972: Registration Officer - Medical Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq.
- 1972–1973: House Officer - General Teaching Hospital-AL- Sulaymaniah, Sulaymaniah, Iraq
- 1973–1975: District Doctor - Habbaniyah Health Care Centre, Habbaniyah Al-Anbar, Iraq.
- 1975–1976: Senior House Officer - Department Of Gynecology and Obstetrics Al-Karama Teaching Hospital Baghdad, Iraq.
- 1976–1977: Senior House Officer - Al-Elwiayh Maternity Teaching Hospital Baghdad, Iraq.
- 1981–1983: Director Of MCH Centre MCH Centre - AL-Fallujah City, Al-Annbar, Iraq.
- 1983–1986: Assistant Lecturer Department Of Community Medicine – Faculty Of Medicine, Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq.
- 1986–1994: Lecturer and Deputy of the head of public health department Department of Community Medicine – Faculty of Medicine –Al-Mustansiriya University, Baghdad, Iraq.
- 1995–1999: Assistant (Associated) Professor+ Deputy the head of public health department Department of Community Medicine –Faculty of Medicine AL Nahrain University, Baghdad, Iraq.
- 1999–2005: Professor and Deputy of the head of public health department Department of Community Medicine Faculty of Medicine – AL-Nahrain University. Baghdad, Iraq.
- 2005–2008: Professor and head of public health department Department of Community Medicine - Faculty of Medicine–Syrian International University for Technology and Sciences, Syria.
- 2008–2009: Professor head of public health department Department of Community Medicine & Public healthFaculty of Medicine –Mu’tah University, Jordan.
- 2009–2018: Professor, Coordinator Urban Health posting Population health & Preventive Medicine (PHPM) Faculty of Medicine – UiTM MARA, Malaysia.
- 2018–Till now: Professor of public health - Department of Community Medicine & Public health, Faculty of Medicine–Mu’tah University, Jordan.
- Consanguineous Matings in the Iraqi Population and the Effect of Pregnancy Outcome and Infant Mortality. Hamamy H.A, Waqar A. Al-Kubaisy, Najat Al Bayati, Iraqi Medical Journal, 1986; 34: 75-80.
- Seroepidemiology of Rubella in Baghdad. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Muslih Al Muslih, Najat Al-Bayati, fawzia Salem Iraqi Medical Journal, 1988; 37: 2, 92-95
- Rubella Antibodies among Females Of Child-Bearing Age In Baghdad. Muslih Al Muslih, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Najat Al-Bayati, fawzia Salem J. Fac. Med. 1988; (30):3, 31-7.
- An Epidemiology Study of Infantile Diarrhea and Pattern of Existing Therapeutic Trends. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Najat Al-Bayati J. Fac. Med., Baghdad, 1988; 30:1, 75-81.
- Reproductive Health of Workers at a Tannery in Iraq. Hamamy H.A, Najat Al Bayati, Waqar A. Al-Kubaisy Iraqi Medical Journal, 1990; 39: 168-173.
- A Health Survey in Village Of Al-Thahab Al-Abiath. Waqar A. Al-Kubaisy .Iraqi J. Comm. Med., 1994; 7: 2, 217-22.
- The Prevalence of Head Lice (Pediculus Humanus Capitas) Among Primary School Pupils in Baghdad. Waqar Al-kubaisy, Jamal Al-Rawi, Mazin Ghazi. J. Fac. Med. Baghdad, 1994; 36: 4, 665-671.
- Maternal Characteristics And Risk Factors Associated With Prematurity. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Najat Al-Bayati. Iraqi J. Comm. Med.,1995; 8:1,67-73.
- Epidemiological Study of Urinary Tract Infection during Pregnancy. Waqar Al-kubaisy. Iraqi J. Comm. Med. 1996; 10: 1.
- Viral Warts: Clinico-Epidemiological Study in Baghdad. Waqar Al-kubaisy, Mazin Ghazi J. Fac.Med.1995; 37:3.478-84.
- The Humanitarian and Health Impact of War and Embargo on The Iraqis, A Trend Study.Amjad D. Niazi, Waqar Al-Kubaisy. .Iraqi Medical J. Associations, December 1st, 1995; 123.
- Parasitic Infection among Primary School Children in Najaff Province. Iraqi Medical Journal, 2000; 49:.2.
- The Aspartate Aminotransferase to Alanine Aminotransferase Ratio and HCV Infection. WA Al-Kubaisy, MA Habib. Iraqi Journal Of Medical Sciences, 2000, 18.
- Assessment of response to tamoxifen among Iraqi patients with advanced breast cancer. Al-Alwan NA, Al-Kubaisy W, Al-Rawaq K. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ). 2000;6 (2-3):475-82 SCOPUS
- Pulmonary Alveolar Microlithiasis: An overlooked disease In Iraq. W. Al-Kubaisy N. Alwan K.Al-Nuaimi. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ), 2000; 6: 5/6, 1130-1135. SCOPUS.
- National survey of Tuberculin test among first grade of Primary School Pupils all Over Iraq Dhafer Al-Badri, Waqar Al Kubaisy. WHO Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ), 2000. SCOPUS.
- Erythrocyte Folate Level in Iraqi Pregnant Women. Waqar Al-kubaisy, Mazin Ghazi, Iraqi J. Comm. Med., 2002; 50: 1.
- Xerophthalmia among hospitalized Iraqi children. Al-Kubaisy W. Al-Rubaiy MG, Nassief HA. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ),2002; 8: (4-5):496-502. SCOPUS.
- HCV RNA, Genotypes and Abs and its Relation to Serum ALT levels. Waqar Al Kubaisy, nada S Alwan, Amjad D. Niazi. J. Sciences Iraqi Medical College 2002; 4:4.
- Lack Of Mother – To – Infant Transmission Of Hepatitis C Virus In Iraqi Women: A Prospective Study With Hepatitis C Virus RNA Testing. Waqar Al Kubaisy, Amjad D. Niazi, Qaiss Kubba . Journal of the Arab Board of Health Specializations 2000; 2:2.
- Prospective follow up study of primary school children with positive tuberculin skin test and their contacts in Iraq. Dr Waqar Al-Kubaisy. The WHO Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean operational research in tropical and other communicable diseases during 2001 and 2002 SCOPUS.
- History of Miscarriage as a Risk Factor for Hepatitis C Virus Infection In Pregnant Iraqi Women. Waqar Al Kubaisy, Amjad D. Niazi .Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ),2002; 8: 2/3,239-244 SCOPUS.
- Evaluating the achievement of reproductive health &family planning centre in Baghdad & their effect on practices &Ideal of attendance. Amjad D. Niazi, Waqar Al Kubaisy, Bahrain Medical society Journal,2002; 13 (4) 184- 186. SCOPUS.
- Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection among HIV patients: study testing anti bodies, RNA & genotypes of HCV. W A/ Kubaisy Abstract book 14th: International Conference on AIDS (2002: Barcelona, Spain p 230.
- Metastatic Carcinoma of Unknown Origin Treatment with Vinorelbine; Gemcetabine and Methotrexate. Ahmad Al-Azawi, Waqar Al Kubaisy Bahrain Medical Society Journal,2003; 15: 4, 199-203. SCOPUS.
- Knowledge, attitudes and practices survey among health care workers and tuberculosis patients in Iraq. Dhafer Al-Badri, Waqar Al Kubaisy Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ), 2003;9(4):718—31. SCOPUS.
- Active tuberculosis among Iraqi schoolchildren with positive skin tests and their household contacts Waqar Al Kubaisy, Dhafer Al-Badri, Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ), 2003; 9 (4):675-88. SCOPUS.
- Head lice in pupils of two primary schools in Baghdad. Al-Kubiassy W., Abdul Karim E.T. Bahrain Medical Society, Journal 2003;15: 34–38. SCOPUS.
- Seroprevalence of HCV Specific Ab RNA & Genotypes among Iraqi Hemophilic patient infected with HIV. W.A. Al-Kubaisy, K.T. Al-Naib and M.A. Habib. AL-Kindy College Medical Journal, 2004;2:1.
- HCV infection (testing Abs, RNA & genotype) & its relation to ALT level in thalassimic patient. W.A. Al-Kubaisy, M.A. Habib. K.T. Al-Naib. Journal of the Arab Board of Health Specializations 2004.
- Asthma prevalence and severity among primary school children in Baghdad. Daued Al-Thameri, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Shadha Ali. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ), 2005; 11 (1 and 2); 79-86. SCOPUS.
- Prevalence of Pityrosporum oribuclare on normal skin of Iraqi children. Waqar Al-Kubaisy Mazin Ghazi. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ), 2005; 11(3); 511-514. SCOPUS.
- Risk factors for asthma among primary school children in Baghdad, Iraq. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Shadha Ali. Daued Al Thameri. Saudi Medical Journal (SMJ), 2005; 26 (3): 460-466. Thomson ISI.
- Prevalence of HCV/HIV co-infection among haemophilia patients in Baghdad. W.A. Al-Kubaisy, K.T. Al-Naib and M.A. Habib. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ), 2006; 12: 3/4, 264-269. SCOPUS.
- Seroprevalence of hepatitis C specific anti bodies RNA & Genotypes among Iraqi Thalassimic children. Waqar Al Kubaisy, M.A. Habib and K.T. Al-Naib. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ),2006;12:1,2, 204-210. SCOPUS.
- Prevalence and factors associated with asthma among group of Iraqi people. W. Al-Kubaisy, D Al-Hashmi. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (IJTLD) 2006, Vol 10 (11) supplement1, p 110. ISI , IF 2.148 (abstract).proceeding 37th World Conference on Lung Health of the international union against tuberculosis and lung disease(The Union) Paris, France 31st October -4 th November 2006.
- Active tuberculosis among schoolchildren with positive tuberculin skin tests and their household contacts W. Al-Kubaisy, DS Hashim. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (IJTLD) 2006, Vol 10 (11) supplement 1 p 259. ISI , IF 2.148, (abstract).Proceeding 37th World Conference on Lung Health of the international union against tuberculosis and lung disease (The Union) Paris, France 31st October -4 th November 2006.
- Relation between perinatal life and contracting asthma by child. Waqar Al-Kubaisy ,et al The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases,2010;11: (14) (S2),100 ISI , IF 2.148.
- Does Socio demographic status acts as risk factor for the developmental of asthma in children? N. Al Obaidi, Waqar Al-Kubaisy. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases, 2010; 11: (14) (S2), 100. ISI , IF 2.148.
- Epidemiological Study on Tobacco Smoking Among University Students in Syria. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nik Nairan Abdullah. (abstract) Proceeding Asia-Pacific International Conference on Environment-Behaviour Studies.7-9 December 2010 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
- Perceived Risk of getting Influenza A (H1N1) among urban community attending health clinics in Gombak,Malaysia . Nik Nairan Abdullah , Mohd Ariff Fadzil , Nor Aini Mohd Noor, Mariam Mohamad , Waqar Al-Kubaisy. (abstract) Proceeding, 1st AMDI International Bio health Science Conference (IBSC) 2010.November 29th – December 1st 2010. Penang, Malaysia.
- Perceived Risk and Knowledge of Influenza A (H1N1) among government health clinic attendees in Gombak District, Selangor. Nik Nairan Abdullah , Mariam Mohamad, Mohd Ariff Fadzil, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nor Aini Mohd Noor. Journal of Community Health Supplement(1) 2010 2010,16 (1); 38-39.
- Factors Associated With Smoking Behaviour Among University Students In Syria. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nik Nairan Abdullah, Hisham Al-Nuaimy Ghayth Halawany & Shaheen Kurdy. Journal Of Asian Behavioural Studies, 2011; 1: 3, 21-29.
- Pediatric Asthma and its Relation to Socio-Demographic Factors in Baghdad.Waqar Al –Kubaisy, Shatha H. Ali. & Dawood Al –Thamiri. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies, 2011; 2: 5, 47-56.
- Perinatal Life‟ Characteristics and Its Relation To Pediatric Asthma .Al – Kubaisy W, Hussain S, Al- Thamiri D. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 2011; 11:(Suppl 4) Scopus.
- Awareness and Practices on Successful Ageing among the Community of Section 19, Shah Alam. Nor Aini Mohd. Noor, Mohamad Ikhsan Selamat, Aqil Mohammad Daher, Mohd. Shahril Ahmad Saman, Soe Naung, Waqar Abd Qahar, Mohd Ariff Fadzil, Mariam Mohamed, Ma Khintuzar, Nik Nairan Abdullah, Mohd. Noor Asyik, Zahir Izuan Azhar. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 2011, 11,(Suppl 4). Scopus.
- Healthy Lifestyle Practices and Effect of Ageing on Physical Functions among Members Of Kelab Warga Emas In Section 24, Shah Alam. .Nor Aini Mohd. Noor, Mohamad Ikhsan Selamat, Aqil Mohammad Daher, Mohd. Shahril Ahmad Saman, Soe Naung, Waqar Abd Qahar, Mohd Ariff Fadzil, Mariam Mohamed, Ma Khintuzar, Nik Nairan Abdullah, Mohd. Noor Asyik, Zahir Izuan Azhar. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 2011; 11:(Suppl 4). Scopus.
- Knowledge Regarding Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Infection And Its Associated Socio-Demographic Factors In Rural Communities Mariam M, Nik Nairan A, Waqar Abd Qahar, Nor Aini MN. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 2011, 11, (Suppl 4) Scopus.
- The Role of Blood Transfusion in HCV Infection: A Study Testing: Abs,,RNA & Genotype. Waqar Al-Kubaisy & Amjad D Niazi. International Journal of Public Health Research 2011; Special Issues: 72-78.
- Knowledge Regard the Pandemic (H1N1)2OO9 Infection and Its Associated Sociodemographic Factors In Rural Community. Mariam Mohamad, Nik Nairan Abdullah, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nor Aini Mohd Noor. (abstract) Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine, 2011, I I (Supple 4.). Proceeding ,Conference 4-6 February 2011.
- Paediatric Asthma and its Relation to Sociodemographic Factors in Baghdad .Waqar Al Kubaisy Ali S., Al-Thamiri D. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012; 38: 2, 66-72.
- Factors Associated with Smoking Behaviour among University Students in Syria.Waqar Al-Kubaisy,Nik Nairan Abdullah, Hisham Al-Nuaimy, Sabzali Muza Kahn, Ghayth Halawany& Shaheen Kurdy. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2012; 38: 59 – 65.
- Epidemiological study on tobacco smoking among university students in Damascus, Syrian ArabRepublic. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, NN Abdullah,H Al-Nuaimy,G Halawany, S Kurdy. WHO/ Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal (EMHJ), 2012; 18: 732-727 Scopus.
- The practice of A (H1N1) preventive measures in Malaysia during the pandemic wave.NN Abdullah, M Mohamad, Waqar A-K, Nor Aini MN. Proceeding Int. J Infect Dis 2012, 16;46.001
- Hepatitis C virus Abs, RNA & genotypes prevalence among Iraqi haemophilic patients coinfected with HIV. WA Al-Kubaisy, MH Ali, KT Al-Naib HAEMOPHILIA 18, 25-25.
- Perceptions of Female Medical Students towards Preventative Mastectomy in Malaysia: A Qualitative Approach. Redhwan A N, Muhamed T.O,Nor A N Waqar Al-Kubaisy Indian Journal Of Applied Research, 2013; 3:7, 527-529. ISSN - 2249-555.
- Socio-demographic Characteristics as Risk Factors for Hepatitis C Virus Infection among Pregnant Women in Iraq Waqar A. Al-Kubaisy and Amjad D. Niazi. J Women’s Health, Issues Care 2013, 2:2.
- Health Behaviour Regarding Cervical Cancer Screening Among Urban Women in Malaysia Nik Nairan Abdullah, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Mazlin Mohamad Mokhtar Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013; 85: 110 – 117.
- Clinical Presentations and Pathogenic Agents of Bloody Diarrhoea among Iraqi Children. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Dr. Amer Al-Badre, Dr. Redhwan Ahmed Al-Naggar, Dr. Muhamed T. Osman. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2013; 3 (8), 519-521. ISSN - 2249-555X.
- Socio-demographic characteristics of regular physical exercise performance in Selangor, Malaysia. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Mariam M, Nik Nairan, Mazlin M .Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine.2013; 13 :( suppl.2), 42-43.
- Health Behaviour Regarding Cervical Cancer Screening Among Urban Women in Malaysia. Nik Nairan Abdullah, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Mazlin Mohamad Mokhtar. ASEAN Conference on Environment- Behaviour Studies, 2013, 19-22 March Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Socio demographic factors associated with depression, anxiety and stress in the community Mariam Mohamad,Zaliha Ismail, Nik Nairan Abdullah, Waqar Al-Kubaisy,Nor Aini Mohd Noor.Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine.2013;.13: (suppl.2),63-64.
- Perceptions of Female Medical Students towards Preventative Mastectomy in Malaysia: A Qualitative Approach. Redhwan A N, Muhamed T.O, Nor A N Waqar Al-Kubaisy Indian Journal Of Applied Research, 2013; 3:7, 527-529. ISSN - 2249-555.
- Socio-demographic Characteristics as Risk Factors for Hepatitis C Virus Infection among Pregnant Women in Iraq Waqar A. Al-Kubaisy and Amjad D. Niazi. J Women’s Health, Issues Care 2013, 2:2
- Health Behaviour Regarding Cervical Cancer Screening Among Urban Women in Malaysia Nik Nairan Abdullah, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Mazlin Mohamad Mokhtar Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013; 85: 110 – 117.
- Clinical Presentations and Pathogenic Agents of Bloody Diarrhoea among Iraqi Children. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Dr. Amer Al-Badre, Dr. Redhwan Ahmed Al-Naggar, Dr. Muhamed T. Osman. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2013; 3 (8), 519-521. ISSN - 2249-555X.
- Socio-demographic characteristics of regular physical exercise performance in Selangor, Malaysia. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Mariam M, Nik Nairan,Mazlin M ..Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine.2013; 13 ( suppl.2), 42-43.
- Health Behaviour Regarding Cervical Cancer Screening Among Urban Women in Malaysia. Nik Nairan Abdullah, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Mazlin Mohamad Mokhtar. ASEAN Conference on Environment- Behaviour Studies, 2013, 19-22 March Hanoi, Vietnam.
- Socio demographic factors associated with depression, anxiety and stress in the community Mariam Mohamad,Zaliha Ismail, Nik Nairan Abdullah, Waqar Al-Kubaisy,Nor Aini Mohd Noor.Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine.2013;.13: (suppl.2),63-64.
- Preliminary validation of questions on perceptions of health care workers regarding Tuberculosis (TB) defaulters. Nor Aini Mohd Noor, Mariam Mohamad, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nik Nairan Abdullah (abstract) Proceeding Paper conference Research Colloquium, 4-5, December 2013 Faculty of Medicine, UiTM Sg Buloh Campus, Malaysia
- Obesity during Pregnancy as a Risk factor for Caesarean section among Iraqi women. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Mazin Al-Rubaey Redhwan Al-Naggar, Ban Kumk Nor Aini Mohd Noor Procedia Elsevier,2013, 13 (12); 20-23.
- Negative life events, depression, anxiety and stress. Zaliha Ismail, Nik Nairan Abdullah, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nor Aini Mohd Noor. Proceeding Paper (abstract) 3rd International Public Health Conference & 20th National Public Health Colloquium.28-29-August 2013, Kuching Sarawak, Malaysia.
- Sociodemographic Characteristics of Acne among University Students in Damascus, Syria.Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nik Nairan Abdullah, Sabzali Musa Kahn, and Maram Zia. Epidemiology Research International,2014, Article ID 974019, 4 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/974019.
- Hepatitis C Virus Prevalence and Genotyping among Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients in Baghdad. Al-Kubaisy WA, Obaid KJ, Noor NA, Ibrahim NS, Al-Azawi AA Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2014,15 (18);7725-7730 SCOPUS.
- Intestinal Parasitic Diarrhea among Children in Baghdad-Iraq. Waqar Al-Kubaisy Hassanain Al-Talib Alyaa Al-Khateeb, Mohamnad Mazin Shanshal. Tropical Biomedicine, Malaysian Society of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, 2014,31(3);499-506 Scopus http://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=UA&search_mode=GeneralSearch&qi d=8&SID=P2CxrGADzmydqEdDHwk&page=1&doc=4
- Practice of Pap Smear in an Urban Community Nik Nairan Abdullah, Izni Syamsina Saari, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Zaliha Ismail, Suzanna Daud. 2014 (abstract)Proceeding Paper conference 46th APACPH 17-17 October 2014 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Preliminary validation of questions on perceptions of health care workers regarding Tuberculosis (TB) defaulters. Nor Aini Mohd Noor, Mariam Mohamad, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nik Nairan Abdullah (abstract) Proceeding Paper conference 46th APACPH 17-17 October 2014Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.
- Maternal obesity and its relation with the cesarean section: A hospital based cross sectional study in Iraq. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Mazin Al-Rubaey Redhwan A Al-Naggar, Ban Karim and Nor Aini Mohd Noor. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.2014, 14 (1); 14:235.
- Is dental extraction a risk factor for contracting HCV infection:Abs, RNA and genotype detection. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Redhwan A. Al-Naggar, Nik Shamsidah NI, Yuri V. Bobryshev, Mustafa Waseem Al-Kubaisy. Oral Biology and Dentistry 2014,2 (7); 1-7.
- The Malaysia DREEM: perceptions of medical students about the learning environment in a medical school in Malaysia. Redhwan A Al-Naggar, Mahfoudh Abdulghani, Muhamed T Osman, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Aqil Mohammad Daher, Khairun Nain Bin Nor Aripin, Ali Assabri, Dawood A Al-Hidabi, Mohamed Izham B Mohamed Ibrahim, Ahmed Al-Rofaai, Hisham S Ibrahim, Hassanain Al-Talib, Alyaa Al-Khateeb, Gamil Qasem Othman, Qaid Ali Abdulaziz, Karuthan Chinna, and Yuri V Bobryshev . Advances in Medical Education and Practice 2014,5 (1); 177-184.
- Intestinal parasitic infection trends among children in Baghdad, Iraq. Waqar Al-Kubaisy Hassanain Al-Talib Alyaa Al-Khateeb . Mohamnad Mazin Shanshal PROCEEDING PAPER (abstract) 6th ASEAN Congress Of Tropical Medicine Parasitology 5-7 march 2014. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- Acne among University Students in Damascus, Syria: Sociodemographic Characteristics. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nik Nairan Abdullah, Maram Zia. Epidemiology Research International 2014, 14 (1); 1-4.
- Prevalence and Risk Factors Of Hepatitis C Virus Infection In Hemodialysis Patients : Testing Antibodies, RNA And Genotypes. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nor Aini Mohd Noor, Nik Shamsidah Nik Ibrahim, Usama Al-Nasirie. Journal Teknologi 2015; 77:25:115–119.
- Epidemiology of risk factors and transmission route of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) among Iraqi pregnant women WA Al-Kubaisy, AD Niazi. International Journal Of Antimicrobial Agents, 2015 45, S111-S112.
- Motivation to physical exercise: is it diverse with different sociodemographic characteristics particularly the gender? Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Mariam Mohamad, Zaliha Ismail, Nik Nairan Abdullah, Mazlin Mohamad Mokhtar, Proceedings, 3rd International Scientific Forum, ISF 2015, 22-25 April 2015, Amman, Jordan, p 193-2210.
- Prevalence of Nicotine Dependence Among Youth Smokers (Cigarette and Shisha)in Malaysia. Muhammad Ikbal Baharudin, Waqar Al Kubaisy, Norsuhada Norden, Rinakartini Lairy, Nurain Anuar Yazid, Nur Liyana Mohammad Azlan, Nik Nairan Abdullah, &Zakaria Bannur. GSTF Journal of Nursing and Healthcare (JNHC), 2015; 3: 1, 39-47.
- Gender Differences: Motivations for performing physical exercise among adults in Shah Alam. Waqar Al Kubaisy Mariam Mohamada, Zaliha Ismaila, Nik Nairan Abdullaha. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015; 202, 522 – 530.
- Trend on Fast Food Consumption in Relation to Obesity among Selangor Urban Community .Nik Nairan Abdullah, Mazlin Mohamad Mokhtar, Mohd Harriszamani Abu Bakar,Waqar Al-Kubaisy- Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 2015; 202: 505 – 513.
- Motivation to Physical Exercise: Is It diverse With Different sociodemo- graphic characteristics Particularly The Gender? Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Mariam Mohamad, Zaliha Ismail, Nik Nairan Abdullah, European Scientific Journal, 2015; 2 (Special/ edition) ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431.
- Tooth extraction as a risk factor for HCV infection In Iraq: Studying Abs, RNA and genotype. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Redhwan A. Al-Naggar,Nik Shamsidah NIYuri V. Bobryshev and Mustafa Waseem Al-Kubaisy. Proceeding Books, The 47'Asia Pacific. Academic Consortium for Public Health Bandung, Indonesia, 2015 October 21-23ISBN : 97 8-97 9-9394-354.
- Detection CD4, 8 Marker on Lymphocyte In Some Iraqi Patients With Hiv/Hcv Co-Infection. Khalid R. Al-Awady Amina N. Al-Thwani, Saleh K. Majeed Ahmed A.Nasir Alamairy, W.A. Al-Kubaisy. Journal of International Academic Research For Multidisciplinary. 2015; 2, (12), 320-328. I F 1.625, ISSN: 2320-5083.
- Prevalence of Nicotine Dependence among Youth Smokers (Crgarette and ShiHha) in Malaysia.Muhammad Ikbal Baharudin, Waqar AlKubaisy Norsuhada Norden, Rinakartini Lairy, Nurain Anuar Yazidl, Nur Liyana Mohammad Azlan, Nik Nairan Abdullah,, Zakaria Bannur. Proceeding Books 4th Annual Global Health care conference (GHC 2015) 29-30 June 2015, Singapore ISSN 2251_3833,doi: 10.5176/2251-3833_GHC15.1 1 www.globalstf .org.
- Common Difficulties in Tracing Tuberculosis Treatment Interrupters.Mariam Mohamad, Nor Aini Mohd Noor, Nik Nairan Abdullah, Waqar Al-Kubaisy . IJTLD 2015 19 (12) Sup2, p 212 .proceeding book (abstract) 46th World Conference on Lung Health 2-6 December 2015 Cape Town.
- Attitudes towards Colorectal Cancer (CRC) and CRC Screening Tests among Elderly Malay Patients. Redhwan Al-Naggar, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Bee W Yap , Yuri V Bobryshev, Muhamed T Osman. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2015, 16 (2); 667-674.
- Epidemiological study of bloody diarrhea among children in Baghdad, Iraq. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Amer Al Badre Redhwan Al-Naggar, Nik Shamsidah Ibrahim. International Archives of Medicine 2015,8 (4); 1-9
- Attitude and Ability to Overcome Barriers in Practicing of Physical Exercise among Academy Staff in Faculty of Medicine, UiTM. Siti Nur Shakirah Mohd Rozali ,Fadzlin Najwa Anuar, Che Syahida Silmi Che Abdul Rahman, Nurul Amirah Hannah Rahazi ,Ahmad Aiman Mohd Adnan, Waqar Al-Kubaisy Nadia Mohd Mustafah. LIFE: International Journal of Health and Life-Sciences, 2016; 1 (1), 197-213 Special Issue.
- Practicing Of Physical Exercise among Academic Staffs in Faculty Of Medicine: Is It Varies With Socio-Demographic Characteristics?. Fadzlin Najwa Anuar, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nadia Mohd Mustafah Siti Nur Shakirah Mohd Rozali , Che Syahida Silmi Che Abdul Rahman,Nurul Amirah Hannah Rahazi Ahmad Aiman Mohd Adnan.LIFE: International Journal of Health and Life-Sciences, 2016; 1 (1), 214-226, Special Issue.
- Sociodemographic Variation and Its Relation to Knowledge on Physical Exercise among Academic Staffs in Faculty of Medicine, Uitm, Malaysia. Che Syahida Silmi Che Abdul Rahman, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nadia Mohd Mustafah, Siti Nur Shakirah Mohd Rozali, Fadzlin Najwa Anuar, Nurul Amirah Hannah Rahazi, Ahmad Aiman Mohd Adnan. . LIFE: International Journal of Health and Life-Sciences, , 2016; 1 (1), 180-196, Special Issue.
- Is Female Having Different Motivating Reasons for Performing Physical Exercise? Waqar Al Kubaisy, Mariam Mohamad, Zaliha Ismail, Nik Nairan Abdullah, and Mazlin Mohamad Mokhta. Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences, 2016; 4:(3), 162-168, (ISSN: 2354-323X).
- Patterns of quality of life among older urban dwellers with mobility disability in Malaysia. Nik Nairan Abdullah, Mohd Shahril Ahmad Saman, Sabzali Musa Kahn & Waqar Al-Kubaisy Environment-Behavior proceeding Journal (E-BPJ) 2016, 1(2); 55-61.
- Feeling of Enjoyment during Physical Exercise Performance Is it related to Socio Demographic Characteristics of Individual? Waqar Al –Kubaisy, Zaliha Ismail, Mariam Mohamad,Nik Nairan Abdullah and Mazlin Mohamad Mokhtar . 5th ANNUAL Global Health care conference (GHC 2016). 18 – 19 July 2016, Singapore Proceeding Book pp. 161-166. ISSN 2251_3833,doi: 10.5176/2251-3833_GHC16.1 1 www.globalstf .org
- Endometrioma: The missed diagnosed disease. Kadhim Jawad, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, M.A Yahya , K.Thanikasam, Nor Aini Mohd Noor . 5th Annual Global Health care conference (GHC 2016). 18 – 19 July 2016, Singapore Proceeding Book pp. 134-136 ISSN 2251_3833,doi: 10.5176/2251-3833_GHC16.1 1 www.globalstf .org
- Are Female Health Care Workers at greater risk for Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) infection? Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nor Aini Mohd Noor, Nik Shamsidah Nik Ibrahim, Mustafa Waseem Al-Kubaisy. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2016; 16 (s 4),27-28.
- HPV Self-Sampling: YAY to NAY. Nik Nairan Abdullah, Suzanna Daud, Wang Seok Mui, Noor Kaslina Mohd Kornain. Waqar Al-Kubaisy , Amirah Hannah binti Rahaz. Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine 2016; 16 (s 4),23-24.
- Males and Females Having Different Motivating Reasons for Physical Exercise Performance. Waqar Al –Kubaisy, Zaliha Ismail, Mariam Mohamad,Nik Nairan Abdullah and Mazlin Mohamad Mokhtar.Abstract Book 2nd International social development conference , Bayview Hotel Langkawi 17-18 August 2016.
- How Ortner’s Syndrome Lead To Social Problem? Kadhim Jawad,Nazli Zainuddin, Yabya Mohammad Arpin Waqar Al-Kubaisy. Abstract Book 2nd International social development conference , Bayview Hotel Langkawi 17-18 August 2016.
- Cervical cancer screening after 50: near extinction? Nik N. Abdullaha, Suzanna Daudb, Waqar Al-Kubaisya, Izni S. Saaric, Siti R.Saadd. European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology,206 (2016) 136–140.
- Physical Exercise Enjoyment and relationship with Sociodemographic Characteristics among Adults in Shah Alam. Waqar Al –Kubaisy, Zaliha Ismail, Mariam Mohamad, Mazin Al-Rubaey, Nik Nairan. Abstract & Program Book 10th ASEAN & 7th Perak Health21-23 July 2017,Kinta Riverfront Hotel, Ipoh.
- Pediatric Asthma and its Relation to Socio-Demographic Factors in Baghdad Waqar Al –Kubaisy, Shatha Hussain Ali, Dawood Al – Thamiri. Asian Journal of Environment-Behaviour Studies 2017; 2 (4), 75-84, (2017): July / September.
- Cervical Cancer Screening in Selangor, Malaysia. Nik Nairan Abdullah, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Mazlin Mohamad Mokhtar. Asian Journal of Behavioural Studies, AjBeS, Apr / Jun 2017, 2,(6); 1-7 eISSN: 2398-4295.
- Maternal Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection and anti-D immunoglobulin (Ig) therapy: A study testing an ti-bodies, RNA and Genotype of HCV in Baghdad. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Suzanna Daud, Mustafa Waseem Al-Kubaisie, Omar Waseem AL-Kubaisie, Nik Nairan Abdullah. Proceeding Book 2nd International conference on Public Health ISBN:978-602-71484-4-4, Best Western Premier Hotel Solo, Indonesia ,September 6-7, 2017.
- Sociodemographic Characteristics and Their Associations With Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice On Leprosy .Seok Mui Wang, Kerry Bryan Juni, Tharra Afifah Binti Paidi, Aimi Nur Saadah Binti Mohd Jalal, Siti Aishah Binti Zaini Othman, Lyana Binti Abd Rahim, Waqar Al-Kubaisy. Proceeding Book 2nd International conference on Public Health ISBN:978-602-71484-4-4, Best Western Premier Hotel Solo, Indonesia ,September 6-7, 2017.
- Man’s and Woman’s Motivation to Exercise. Waqar Al Kubaisy, Mariam Mohamad, Zaliha Ismail,Nik Nairan Abdullah,Mazlin Mohamad Mokhtar. Asian Journal of Quality of Life, AjQoL, 2(8) ; p.35-43,Oct / Dec 2017.
- Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) self-sampling: do women accept it?. Nik Nairan Abdullah,Abdullaha, Suzanna Daudb, Seok Mui Wangc, Zamalia Mahmudd, Noor Kaslina Mohd Kornaine and Waqar Al-Kubaisy. Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology, 2018 ISSN: 0144-3615 (Print) 1364-6893 (Online) https://doi.org/10.1080/01443615.2017.1379061.Journal homepage: http://www. tandfonline.com/loi/ijog20 Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) self-sampling: do women accept it?. Nik Nairan Abdullah, Suzanna Daud, Seok Mui Wang, Zamalia Mahmud, Noor Kaslina Mohd Kornain & Waqar Al-Kubaisy. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2018,38 (3):1-6.
- Hepatitis C Infection And Detection Of Antibodies, RNA And Genotypes Among Female Healthcare Workers In Baghdad. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Nik Shamsidah NI, Nor Aini MN, Mustafa WAlK. Journal of Health and Translational Medicine (JUMMEC) 2018:21(1):14-20. Scopus. https://jummec.um.edu.my/
- Maternal hepatitis C (HCV) infection and Anti-D immunoglobulin therapy: study testing antibodies, RNA and Genotype of HCV in Baghdad. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Suzanna Daud, Mustafa Waseem Al-Kubaisi, Omar Waseem Al-Kubaisi & Nik Nairan Abdullah. The Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine 2018, index, IF; 1.826 ISSN: 1476-7058 (Print) 1476-4954 (Online) https://doi.org/10.1080/14767058.2018.1465557Journalhomepage:http:/www.tandfonline.com/loi/ijmf20.
- Older People with Mobility Disability (Quality Of Life). Nik Nairan Abdullah, Mohd Shahril Ahmad Saman, Sabzali Musa Kahn, Waqar Al-Kubaisy. Asian Journal of Quality of Life. , 2018: 3 (11):103-111 Scopus.
- Sleep Disorders; Severity and Factors Associated with it Among End Stage Renal Disease Patients Attending Al-Yarmook Dialysis Centre, Baghdad, Iraq.Saad ayid jassam, Waqar Al Kubaisy and Mazin Ghazi Alrubaey. Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences. October 2019,7 (10) pp (ISSN: 2354-323X)
- Depression among infertile women: A sample from Baghdad city 2017.Waqar A. Al-Kubaisy, Sawsan Ghazi Jassim, Mazin Gh. AlRubaey and Rwaida Abbas Ghaeb. Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2354-323X) Vol. 7(11) pp. 433-440, November, 2019 Available online http://www.meritresearchjournals.org/mms/index.html
- Sedentary Lifestyle and its Association With Health and Social Variables among The Students of Mutah University. Abrar Al-Saraireh,Waqar Al-Kubaisy ,Mohammah Hashem Salameh,,Saker Sunna, RaghadAl-Qazaqi, Rua Tafesh, Waleed Al Shakhely , Nesrin Mwafi, Waha Al-Kassasbeh, Ghazi Majali. WONCA South Asia Regional andPSFP conference 2019 – Lahore, Pakistan 22nd to 24th November. 2019
- Health and Socio-Behavioral Variation Between Male and Female Students of Mutah University. Waha Al-Kassasbeh, Saker Sunna, Ru’a Tafesh, Waqar Al-Kubaisy Mohammah Hashem Salameh ,RaghadAl-Qazaqi, Waleed Al Shakhely , Nesrin Mwafi, Ghazi Majali, Abrar Al-Saraireh. WONCA South Asia Regional and PSFP conference 2019 – Lahore, Pakistan 22nd to 24th November. 2019.
- Physical Exercise Performance And Factors Associated, Among University Students In Mutah, Jordan,. Mohammah Hashem Salameh Waha Al-Kassasbeh, Saker Sunna, Ru’a Tafesh, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, RaghadAl-Qazaqi Waleed Al Shakhely, Nesrin Mwafi Ghazi Majali Abrar Al-Saraireh. WONCA South Asia Regional and PSFP conference 2019, Lahore, Pakistan 22nd to 24th November. 2019.
- A Study Showing the Relation of University’s Students Fruit and Vegetable Intake With The Different Lifestyles. Saker Sunna, Ru’a Tafesh, Waqar Al-Kubaisy RaghadAl-Qazaqi, Waleed Al Shakhely, Mohammah Hashem Salameh, Waha Al-Kassasbeh, Nesrin MwafiGhazi, Majali, Abrar Al-Saraireh.. WONCA South Asia Regional and PSFP conference 2019. Lahore, Pakistan 22nd to 24th November. 2019
- Overweight and Obesity Is It A Problem Among Mu’tah University Students? RaghadAl-Qazaqi, Ru’a Tafesh, Waqar Al-Kubaisy Nesrin Mwafi , Mohammah Hashem Salameh Waha Al-Kassasbeh, Saker Sunna Waleed Al Shakhely,Ghazi Majali Abrar Al-Saraireh. WONCA South Asia Regional and PSFP conference 2019. Lahore, Pakistan 22nd to 24th November. 2019.
- The Consumption Of Fast Food: Is It A Growing Problem Among Students Of Mutah University? Ru’a Tafesh, Waqar Al-Kubaisy, RaghadAl-Qazaqi, Waleed Al Shakhely, Nesrin Mwafi , Ghazi Majali, Abrar Al-Saraireh, Mohammah Hashem Salameh Waha Al-Kassasbeh, Saker Sunna. WONCA South Asia Regional and PSFP conference 2019 – Lahore, Pakistan 22nd to 24th November. 2019
- Physical Exercise Enjoyment and Relationships with Socio-Demographic Characteristics among Adults in Malaysia.Waqar Al –Kubaisy, Mazin Al-Rubaey, Zaliha Ismail, Mariam Mohamad, Nik Nairan. International Journal of Science and Research Methodology-Human (Ijsrm. Human), 2020;Vol.17(1):PP11-24. www.ijsrm.humanjournals.com
- Prevalence of Work-Related Stress and Factors Related among Pharmacists in Southern Of Jordan.. Reem Sager Al-hroub, and Professor Dr. Waqar Al –Kubaisy International E-Conference on NURSING AND HEALTH CARE, November 18-20, 2020 | Virtual Webinar.
- The Physical Aggressive Behaviors Due to Violent Video Games and the factors related Among Early Adolescents pupils in Jordan.. Heba Adnan Al-Thnaibat and Professor Dr. Waqar Al –Kubaisy . International E-Conference on NURSING AND HEALTH CARE, November 18-20, 2020 | Virtual Webinar.
- Disparities in cesarean section among women in Jordan: analysis of the 2017– 2018 Jordan Population and Family Health Survey (JPFHS) data Article Israa Al Rawashdeh , Ibrahim F Kharboush, Waqar Al Kubaisy. The Journal of Maternal Fetal and Neonatal Medicine · March 2021 ( IF 1.737 ) DOI: 10.1080/14767058.2021.1875437.
- Risk Factors and Characterization of Post-COVID-19 Syndrome, in Jordan. Mohamad-Said Almasri, Rashed Alqaisi, Mohammad Al-Shagahin, Prof. Dr. Waqar Al-Kubaisy, Dr. Ahmad Aljarajreh1, Prof. Dr. Hani Al-Shagahin. Merit Research Journal of Medicine and Medical Sciences (ISSN: 2354-323X) Vol. 9(8) pp. 325-331, August, 2021.
Prizes Awarded
- The International Arabic Award in Medicine 2001 presented by the Algerian President Abdul Aziz Bu Taflika, Qasantina, Algeria, April 16, 2001.
- The Highest Degree of the Algerian Order of Merit, Awarded by the Algerian President Abdul Aziz Bu Taflika, Qasantina, Algeria, April 16, 2001.
- The Best Medical Research Award of International Conference of the infectious and tropical disease, Alexandria, Egypt, June 25, 2001.
- The Best research in TB, The Second National Conference of TB in Basra, Iraq, March 27, 2001.
- First Professor and outstanding Services Al-Nahrain university, Baghdad Iraq 2002.
- First prize in combination with post graduate student Best research an adolescent female awarded by AL KAWTHER Canter –2003 Tunis.
- Medal from The Arab Council for Training Students of Arab Universities (ACTSAU), in 2004.
- Award of Courage and Peace from 2006 Global Village Foundation USA, in 2006.
- Medal of IPPF from The International Parenthood Planning Federation (Arab World Region Council) , in 2006.
- The Best Medical Research Award of 6th National Public Health Conference11-13 July 2011,Kalan Resort Seremban –Malaysia.
- Best Paper Award – Ist Runners. ABRA International Conference on quality of Life. Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey 26-28 December 2014.
- Outstanding Services Universiti Teknologi MARA 2014.
- Best Paper Award: Consolation Top 10 of 10. ABRA International Conference on Quality of Life Dokuz Eylul Universitesi, Izmir, Turkey 09-13 December 2015.
- Honoring the President of Mutah University, Academic members with highest( index) and most influential research in the world, Jordan 6th Jan 2021.
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