Adekunle Ganiyu Salaudeen

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- Prof. Salaudeen was a seasoned Consultant Public Health Physician and Professor of Public Health with over two decades of experience gained nationally and internationally. He has vast experience in health programs and project management.
- Prof. Salaudeen has led several technical working groups, program and project management with United Nations Organizations and many international agencies to achieve outstanding impact in the public health field.
- Prof. Salaudeen has well-published in reputable national and international journals. He is endowed with special skills in effective leadership, interpersonal relations, and communication. His expertise extends to immunization, disease surveillance, outbreak response, capacity building, and research.
Academic / Professional Qualifications and Diplomas
- 2020: Doctor of Medicine (MD) - Granted by National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, Nigeria.
- 2018: PhD in Public Health (Epidemiology) - University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- 2011: Fellow of the Royal Society of Public Health (FRSPH) - Granted by Royal Society of Public Health, London, U.K.
- 2009: Master of Public Health (MPH) - University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- 2004: Fellow Medical College of Public Health (FMCPH) - Granted by National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, Nigeria.
- 2004: Fellow West African College of Physicians (FWACP) - Granted by West African Postgraduate Medical College, Nigeria.
- 2002: Diploma in Computer Science - Granted by Kwara State College of Education, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- 2002: Certificate in Health Planning and Management - Granted by Federal Ministry of Health/University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
- 2001: Certificate in Health Management Information System - Granted by Federal Ministry of Health/University of Ilorin, Nigeria.
- 1998: Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MB;BS) - Granted by Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria.
Professional / Academic Experience
- October 2019 to date: Professor of Public Health - University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- August 2008 to date: Consultant Epidemiologist and Public Health Physician - University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- October 2016 to September 2019: Associate Professor of Public Health - University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- October 2011 to September 2016: Senior Lecturer - University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- June 2008 to September 2011: Lecturer I - University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- April 2002 to Dec 2004: Associate Lecturer, Department of Epidemiology and Community Health - University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- May 2000 to Dec 2005: Senior Registrar in Public Health Department - University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria.
- 1999 to 2000: Medical Officer - Kwara State Specialist Hospital, Offa, Kwara State Ministry of Health, Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria.
- 1998 to 1999: Intern Doctor - Kwara State Specialist Hospitals, Ilorin, Kwara State Ministry of Health, Kwara State, Nigeria.
- Adebimpe WO, Salaudeen AG, Kayode B, Atolagbe J (2020): The Challenges of Curtailing the Outbreak and Spread of Lassa Fever in Nigeria. Malta Journal of Health Sciences 7 (1): 19-30. Official Publication of Faculty of Health Sciences University of Malta.
- Salaudeen A.G., Durowade K. A. Yusuf A. S. & Adeyemi M. F. (2019). Practice of safety measures among inter-city commercial vehicle drivers in Kwara State, Nigeria. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, 60, 158-162. Published by Society of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, Italy. Available online at
- Omokanye LO, Saadu LO , Olatinwo AWO, Biliaminu SA, Durowade KA, Panti AA, Salaudeen AG (2018). Assisted Reproduction Technology: Comparison of Clinical outcomes between day 3 and day 5 embryo transfer. Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research (KLEU).11:274-8. Official publication of KLE University, Belgaum, India. Available online at
- Kazeem OT, Olasupo ST, Hussain NAA, Akande TM, Salaudeen AG (2018): Influence of Socio Demography Factors on Knowledge of Intimate Partner Violence among Soldiers in Ibadan: A Cross Sectional Survey. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal 5 (7); 113-122. Official Publication of Society for Science and Education United Kingdom.
- Omokanye LO, Ibrahim S, Olatinwo AWO, Durowade KA, Raji ST, Biliaminu SA, Salaudeen AG (2017). Female factor infertility: Laparoscopic evaluation at a public health facility in Ilorin, Nigeria. Indian Journal of Health Sciences and Biomedical Research (KLEU). 10 (3): 298-302. Official publication of KLE University, Belgaum, India. Available online at
- Omokanye LO, Olatinwo AWO, Durowade KA, Durowade KA, Salaudeen AG (2017). Assisted Reproduction Technology: Perceptions among infertile couples in Ilorin, Nigeria. Saudi Journal for Health Sciences. 6: 14-8. Official publication of A Taif University, Saudi. Available online at
- Omokanye LO, Olatinwo AWO, Salaudeen AG, Ajiboye AD, Durowade KA. (2017). A five year review of placenta previa in Ilorin, Nigeria. International Journal of Health Sciences. 11; (1): 55-61. Official publication of Qassim University, Saudi Arabia. Available at
- Fawibe, A.E., Odeigha, L.O., Akande, T.M., Salaudeen, A.G. & Olanrewaju, I. (2017): Self-reported medical care seeking behaviour of doctors in Nigeria. Alexandria Journal of Medicine 53; 117-122, Official Publication of Faculty of Medicine Alexandria University, Egypt. Available online at:
- Omokanye LO, Olatinwo AWO, Saadu LO, Biliaminu SA, Durowade KA, Panti AA, Salaudeen AG (2017). Assisted Reproduction Technology: Comparison of Anesthetic Techniques for Oocyte Retrival in a Tertiary Health Facility in Ilorin, Nigeria. African Journal of Infertility and Assisted Conception; 2; 11: 5. Official publication of Association of Fertility and Reproductive Health. Available online at
- Omokanye LO, Olatinwo AWO, Durowade KA, Abdul IF, Biliaminu SA, Salaudeen AG (2017). Determinants of utilization of Assisted Reproduction Technology services in Ilorin, Nigeria. Journal of Medical Society. 31; (2): 109-113. Official publication of Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Imphal, India. Available online at
- Durowade KA, Salaudeen AG, Musa OI, Olokoba LB, Omokanye LO, Akande TM (2017). Traditional eye pencil: A rural-urban comparison uptake and association with glaucoma among adults in selected communities of north-central, Nigeria. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Public Health; 10: 122-28. Official publication of Africa Health Research Organization. Available at
- Jimoh, MA, Akande TM, Salaudeen AG, Uthman MMB, Durowade KA, Aremu OA (2016) Pattern of utilization of ante-natal and delivery services in a semi-urban community of North-Central Nigeria. African Health Sciences 16:4; 962-971. An Official Publication of College of Medicine Makere University, Uganda. Available online at:
- Babatunde, O.A., Ibirongbe, D.O., Omede, O., Babatunde, O.O., Durowade, K.A., Salaudeen, A.G. & Akande, T.M. (2016): Knowledge and use of emergency contraception among students of public secondary schools in Ilorin, Nigeria. Pan African Medical Journal 23; 1-7, Official Publication of African Field Epidemiology Network (AFENET) Kenya. Available online at:
- Durowade KA, Salaudeen AG, Akande TM, Musa OI, Olokoba LB, Ibrahim T, Omokanye LO, Adebola OE, Fasiku MM.(2016). Prevalence and Risk Factors of Glaucoma among Adults in Rural and Urban Communities of Ilorin West Local Government Area, North-Central Nigeria. International Journal of Clinical Medicine Research; 3 (1): 6-12. Official publication of American Association for Science and Technology. Available online at
- Afolabi OR. Ologe FE, Nwabuisi C, Salaudeen AG, Ajiboye OT & Nwawolo CC (2015). Correlation of Bacteria Isolates from Middle Ear and Nasopharynx in Patients with Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media in Ilorin, Nigeria. Malays J Med Sci 22 (5): 23-30. Official Publication of College of Health Science Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia.
- Salaudeen AG, Musa O. I.,OA Babatunde, OA Atoyebi, KA Durowade, LO Omokanye (2014): Knowledge and Prevalence of risk factors for arterial hypertension and blood pressure pattern among bankers and traffic wardens in Ilorin, Nigeria. African Health Sciences 14 (3) 495-499. An Official Publication of College of Medicine Makere University, Uganda.
- Durowade K.A., Salaudeen A.G., Musa O.I., Bolarinma O.A., Babatunde O.A., Anyaike C (2014): Knowledge and Risk Factors for Glaucoma among Adults in a Rural Community of Kwara State, North Central Nigeria TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 13(5) Turkey Periodical of Gulhane Medical Faculty, Gulhane Medical Academy, 06019 Ankara.
- Babatunde OA, Babatunde OO, Salaudeen AG, Aderibigbe SA, Adewoye KR, Alao TA, Idowu OA, Atoyebi OA (2014). Knowledge of Community Health Insurance among Household Heads in Rural Communities of Ilorin, Nigeria. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology 3 (3): 800-810. www.ijset.
- Omokanye LO, Salaudeen AG, Balogun OR, Saidu R & Olatinwo AWO (2014). Missed Diagnosed Bicornuate Unicollis Uterus Presenting as acute abdomen. West African Journal of Medicine (WAJM) 33(3): 222-224. A Journal of West African Postgraduate Medical College.
- Babatunde O A, Aiyenigba E., Awoyemi O A, Akande T M, Musa O I, Salaudeen A G, Babatunde O O, Atoyebi O A, (2013) Primary Health Care Consumers’ Perception of quality of care and its determinants in North Central Nigeria. Journal of Asian Scientific Research 2013 3(7): 775-785 available online at
- AkandeTM, Salaudeen AG, Babtunde OA, Durowade KA, Agbana BE, Olomofe CO & Aibinuomo AO (2012). National Health Insurance Scheme and Its effect on staff’s financial burden in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Facility. International Journal of Asian Social Science 2(12): 2175-2185. Official Publication of Asian Economic and Social Society.
- Bolarinwa OA, Salaudeen AG, Akande TM (2012). Overview of Knowledge Management Applications in Health Care Delivery of Developing Countries. Academic Research International 3(3): 38-45. ISSN-L:2223-9553. Official Publication of Association for the Advancement of Education
- Omokanye LO, Saidu R, Jimoh AAG, Salaudeen A, Isiaka-Lawal S (2012). The Relationship Between Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Malaria Parasite Density among Pregnant Women in Ilorin, Nigeria. International Journal of tropical Medicine 7 (2): 64-68. Medwell Journals.
- Durowade KA, Osagbemi GK, Salaudeen AG, Musa OI, Akande TM, Babatunde OA, Raji HO, Okesina BS, Fowowe AA, Ibrahim OOK, Kolawole OM. (2012): Prevalence and risk factors for Cervical Cancer Among Women In An Urban Community of Kwara state, North-Central Nigeria Prev Med Hyg 53 85-88 Italy. Society for Preventive Medicine and Hygiene
- Omokanye L.O, Salaudeen G.A, Saidu R, Jimoh A.A.G, Balogun O.R. (2012): Surgical management of uterine fibroids at the university of Ilorin Teaching Hospital: A 5 year review. Global Research Journal of Medical Sciences. 2 (2): 18-22. Available online at http:/
- Omokanye LO, Saidu R, Olatinwo AWO, Jimoh AAG, Salaudeen AG, Balogun OR, Ijaiya MA & Panti AA (2012). The Determinants of Utilization of Insecticide Treated Nets Among Pregnant Women Attending Antenatal Clinic at University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin, Nigeria. International Journal of Biological & Medical Research. 3 (4): 2538-2541.
- Bolarinwa O. A., Salaudeen G.A., Aderibigbe S.A., Musa I.O., Akande T.M. Bamidele J. O (2012): Injection Safety Practices among Primary Health Care Workers in Ilorin Kwara State of Nigeria Health Science Journal 6 (3) 496-508 Greece International research institute, Athens
- Afolabi OR, Salaudeen AG, Ologe FE, NwabuisiC & Nwawolo CC (2012). Pattern of bacterial isolates in the middle ear discharge of patients with suppurative otitis media in a tertiary hospital in the North central Nigeria. African Health Sciences 12 (3): 362-367. A Pubication of College of Medicine Makere University, Uganda.
- Musa O, Bamidele J, Salaudeen A, Saromi H, Ade Omi AA (2012). Occupational hazard awareness and safety practices among cement factory workers at Obajana, Kogi State, Nigeria. Elixir Bio Diver. 47: 9013-9018. Available online at:
- Akande T., Salaudeen A. G., Babatunde O. (2011) The effect of national health insurance scheme on utilization of health services at Unilorin Teaching Hospital staff clinic, Ilorin, Nigeria. Health Science Journal. 5 (2); 98-106. Published by the Greece International research institute, Athens
- Bolarinwa A. O., Salaudeen A. G., Aderibigbe S. A. Musa O. I. & Akande T. M. (2011) Knowledge and attitude of primary health care workers in a north central State of Nigeria toward safe injection. International Journal of Academic Research. 3 (3); 209-214 Published by International Journal of Academic Research, Azerbaijan,
- Salaudeen A. G., Musa O. I., Awoyemi A. O., Bolarinwa A.O., Adegboye A.O. & Samuel S. O. (2011) Community Survey on Blood Donation Practices in a Northern State of Nigeria. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene. 52; 21-25. Published by Society of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, Italy,
- Salaudeen A.G., Musa O. I., Akande T. M. & Bolarinwa O. A. (2011) Effects of health education on cigarette smoking habits of young adults in tertiary institutions in a northern Nigerian state. Health Science Journal. 5 (3);216-228.Published by the Greece International research institute, Athens
- Jimoh AAG, Saka MJ, Saidu R, Salaudeen AG, Saka AO, Raji HO, Lasiele YA, Balogun OR, Ijaiya M, Omokanye L & Dare J (2011). Sperm Bank Scheme and Surrogacy Institution; willingness and Utilization of Assisted Reproductive Technology Among Women of Reproductive Age Group in Ilorin, Nigeria. West African Journal of Assisted Reproduction (WAJAR) 2 (1): 33-39. A Publication of Nigerian Fertility Society.
- Salaudeen A.G., Musa O.I. & Bello A. A. (2011) Assessment of Knowledge and Implementation of Reaching Every Ward strategy of Routine Immunization among Service Providers in North Central State of Nigeria. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. 5(3); 430-435. Published by Elsevier Bibliographic databases, Thomson Reuters and Ulrich Periodicals, Egypt. Available online at
- Afolabi O. A., Salaudeen A. G., Alabi B. S. & Lasisi A. O. (2010) Correlation of aural foreign bodies with handedness: An observational study in a Nigerian Tertiary Hospital. Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research 2(2); 79-82. Available online Published by International Journal of Academic Research, Azerbaijan
- Musa O. I., Aderibigbe S. A., Salaudeen A. G., Oluwole F. A. & Samuel S. O. (2010) Community Awareness of Bird Flu and the Practice of backyard poultry in a North-Central State of Nigeria. Journal of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene. 51; 1-6. Published by Society of Preventive Medicine and Hygiene, Italy. Available online at
- Salaudeen A. G., Musa O.I & Oluwole F. A. (2009) Effect of Health Education on Breast Cancer and the Practice of Breast Self Examination among Female Students of the Tertiary Institutions in a Nigerian State. Research Journal of Social Sciences. 4; 61-68. Published by INSInet Publication, Jordan. Available online at
- Musa O. I, Salaudeen A. G. & Jimoh R. O. (2009) Awareness and use of Insecticide Treated Nets among women attending ante-natal clinic in a Northern State of Nigeria. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association. 59(6); 354-358. Official Publication of Pakistan Medical Association. Available online at
- Salaudeen A. G., Akande T. M. & Musa O. I. (2009) Practice of Breast Self Examination among Young Adults in Tertiary Institutions in Ilorin, North Central Nigeria. Research Journal in Medical Sciences. 3(1); 31-35. Published by Medwell Journal Publications. Available online at
- Musa O.I, Akande T.M, Salaudeen AG, Aderibigbe A.S, Bolarinwa O.A, Jimoh O. R. (2009) Community awareness and sensitization on Acute Flaccid Paralysis case reporting in a Northern state of Nigeria. International journal of Tropical Medicine; 4 (1): 4 – 8. Published by Medwell Journals, Scientific Research Publishing Company, Pakistan. ISSN: 1815-9346. Available at
- Musa O. I., Akanbi A. A., Salaudeen A. G. & Bolarinwa O. A. (2009) Risk Factors, Threats and Prevention of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) in African Countries. African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology. 10(2); 99-116. Published by The African Society of Clinical and Experimental Microbiologist, African Regional Office, Nigeria. Available online at
- Salaudeen A.G., Akande T. M. & Musa O. I. (2009) Knowledge and attitudes to Breast Cancer and Breast Self Examination Among Female Undergraduates in a State in Nigeria. European Journal of Social Sciences. 7(3); 157-165. Published by AMS Publishing Inc. Austria, Lulu Press Inc, Morrisville, USA. Available online at
- Salaudeen, A.G., Durowade, K.A., Durotoye, I.A., Sanni, E.O., Musa, O.I. & Akande, T. M. (2019): Knowledge of Blood Donation Among Adults in North-Central Nigeria. Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care 31 (1); 57-66, Official Journal of Association of Community Physicians of Nigeria. Available online at:
- Salaudeen, A.G., Akande, T.M., Ologe, M., Odeigha, L.O. & Medubi, G.F. (2018): Adherence to prescribed drug therapy among adult patients of General Out-patient Department of a Tertiary Hospital in Nigeria Res. J. of Health Sci. 6 (2); 90-98, Official Journal of College of Health Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria. Available online at:
- Salaudeen, A.G., Osagbemi, G.K., Hussain, N.A., Musa, O.I. & Adeyemi, M. F. (2018): Tyre Related Risk Assessment in the Middle Belt Region in Nigeria: Information for Policymakers. Res. J. of Health Sci. 6 (3); 141-148, Official Journal of College of Health Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo, Nigeria. Available online at:
- Salaudeen, A.G. (2017): Knowledge of Risk factors and safety measures of road crashes among inter-city commercial drivers in Kwara State, Nigeria. Annals of Medical Research 6: 26-30. An Official Publication of College of Medicine of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria.
- Salaudeen, A.G., Omokanye, L.O., Adeyemi, M.F., Ahmed, A., Ameen, H.A. & Musa, O. I. (2017): Involvement and Use of Family Planning among Religious Leaders in a Community in South West Nigeria. Journal of Medicine & Biomedical Research 16 (2); 54-63, An Official Publication of College of Medical Sciences of the University of Benin. Available online at:
- Salaudeen, A.G., Osinubi, M.O., Ahmed, A., Yusuf, A.S., Adeyemi, M.F. & Oladiji, F. (2016): Perception of Inter-City Commercial Drivers on the Enforcement of Road Safety Laws in a North Central State of Nigeria. Annals of Medical Research 5: 38-42, Official Publication of College of Medicine of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria.
- Amen H.A., Salaudeen A.G., Bolarinwa O.A., Uthman M.M.B., Musa O.I., Aderibigbe SA (2014): Vaccine storage and handling practices among routine immunization service providers in a metropolitan city of North Central City of Nigeria. . Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care . 2014: 26(2): 18 -28. Lagos, Nigeria Association of Public Health Physicians of Nigeria,
- Amen H.A., Salaudeen A.G., Bolarinwa O.A., Uthman M.M.B., Musa O.I., Akande T.M.: (2014): Prevalence and Predictors of Helminthic Infections among Pupils in a Public Primary School in a North Central City of Nigeria. . Journal of Community Medicine and Primary Health Care. 2014: 26(2): 76 -86. Published by Association of Public Health Physicians
- Salaudeen A.G., Musa O.I., Ojotule A., Yusuf A.S., Durowade K.A., Omokanye L.O.: (2014): Condom use among People Living with HIV/AIDS Attending Abejukolo General Hospital in Kogi State, North Central Nigeria. Annals of African Medicine. Vol. 13. No. 3; 99-103 Nigeria African Medicine Society
- AAG Jimoh, LO Omokanye, AG Salaudeen, ZA Suleiman, KA Durowade, EO Adewara. Randomised (2014) Controlled Trial study of the effect of Transcuteneous Electric Nerve Stimulation and NSAIDs (OPIOD) Drug in the management of Post-operative Gynaecological pain. Tropical J Obstet Gynaecol. 2014;31(1):92-97. Official Publication of Society for Obstetrics and Gyneacology of Nigeria.
- Omokanye, L.O., Salaudeen, A.G., Yusuf, A.S. (2014): Reproductive health problems and health seeking behavior of female sex workers in Sabon Gari Local Government Area, Zaria, Nigeria. Sahel Medical Journal .17;23-8, Published by College of Medicine Usmanu Danfodiyo University in collaboration with Usmanu Danfodiyo Teaching Hospital, Available online at
- Omokanye LO, Olatinwo AWO, Durowade KA, Panti AA, Salaudeen AG, Adewara EO. (2014) A review of Pregnancy Outcome following Laparoscopic Ovarain Drilling for Infertile women with clomiphene-resistant Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) at a public health facility in Ilorin, Nigeria. Trop J Obstet Gynaecol. 2014;31(2): 74-81. Official Publication of Society for Obstetrics and Gyneacology of Nigeria.
- Yusuf A.S., Odebode T.O., Adeniran J.O., Salaudeen A.G. , Adeleke N.A., Alimi M.F.: Pattern and outcome of motorcyclists head injury in Ilorin, Nigeria. . Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences. Published by Kano Medical Research Society. Bayero University Kano.
- Adewara EO, Omokanye LO, Olatinwo AWO, Durowade KA, Panti AA, Salaudeen AG. (2014) Prevalence of Anaemia at booking in a semi-urban Community in North-Central Nigeria. The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal 2014; 21(4):327-330. Official Publication of the National Postgraduate Medical College
- Salaudeen AG, Ojotule A, Durowade KA, Musa OI, Yusuf AS, Saka MJ (2013): Condom use among HIV sero-concordant couples attending a secondary health facility in North Central Nigeria. Nigerian Nigerian Journal of Basic and Clinical Sciences 10 (2): : 51-57; BUK, Kano Nigeria Kano Medical Research Society, Bayero University Kano.
- Omokanye LO, Balogun OR, Salaudeen AG, Olatinwo AWO & Saidu R (2013). Ectopic pregnancy in Ilorin, Nigeria: A four year review. The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal 20 (4): 341-345. Official Publication of the National Postgraduate Medical College
- Yusuf, A.S., Odebode, T.O., Salaudeen, A.G., Alimi, M.F., Adeniran, J.O. (2013): Socio-demographic profiles and outcome of motorcycle related head injury in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Institution. Sahel Medical Journal.16;116-20, Published by Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital. Available online at
- AAG Jimoh, L O Omokanye, AG Salaudeen, R Saidu, M J Saka, A Akinwale, OR Balogun, Z A Sulaiman. (2013): Prevalence of low back pain among pregnant women in Ilorin, Nigeria. Med. Pract. Review. 4 (4): 23-26. Available online at http:/
- Omokanye LO, Olatinwo AWO, Salaudeen AG. (2013): Pregnancy following laparoscopic ovarian drilling for clomiphene resistant Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Nigeria. Research Journal of Health Sciences. 1 (1): 38-42. Official publication of College of Health Sciences, Osun State University; Nigeria. Available online at
- Durowade KA, Salaudeen AG, Fasiku MM, Elegbede OE, Babatunde OA, Adebola OE, Fowowe AA, Omokanye LO. (2013) Pattern and predictors of uptake of contraception among women in Olufadi community, Ilorin south Local Government Area, Kwara State, Nigeria Afr. J Tropical Med. Biom Res 2013;2(2):7-12
- Omokanye LO, Olatinwo AWO, Salaudeen AG, Balogun OR, Saidu R. (2013): An improvised endotrainer for low resource settings. Research Journal of Health Sciences. 2013;1(1): 64-68. Research Journal of Health Sciences. 1 (1): 38-42. Official publication of College of Health Sciences, Osun State University; Nigeria. Available online at
- Yusuf AS, Salaudeen AG, Adewale AA, Babalola OM (2013). Knowledge of Glasgow coma scale by Physicians in a Tertiary Health Institution in Nigeria. The Nigerian Postgraduate Medical Journal 20 (1): 34-38. Official Publication of the National Postgraduate Medical College
- Salaudeen AG, Yusuf AS, Nasir AA & Adewale AA (2012). Passengers’ attitudes and behavior towards motorcycle helmet use in Ilorin, Nigeria. Nigerian Hospital Practice 9 (3-4): 38-42. published by CME Ventures, 186A, Ikorodu Road, Palmgrove PO Box 6420, Ikeja, Lagos State, Nigeria. Available online at
- Omokanye LO, Salaudeen AG & Balogun OR (2012). Predisposing Factors, Clinical Presentation and Management of Utero-Vaginal Prolapse: Experience from a Teaching Hospital in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Health Sciences. 12 (1): 12-15. Official Journal of the College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University.
- Omokanye LO, Salaudeen AG, Olatinwo AWO, Adewara EO, Saidu R, Balogun OR & Abdul IF (2012). Obstetrics Outcome of Grandmultiparous Women in Ilorin, Nigeria: A five year review. Nigerian Journal of Health Sciences. 12 (1): 16-19. Official Journal of the College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University.
- LO Omokanye, AG Salaudeen, AAG Jimoh, AA Panti, R Saidu, OR Balogun. (2012): Female Surgical Sterilization at University of Ilorin Teaching Hospital, Ilorin: 10-year review. Orient Journal of Medicine. 24 (1-2): 23-29. Official Publication of Nigerian Medical Association, Nnewi Anambra branch, Imo State; Nigeria. Available online at
- Adewara EO, Omokanye LO, Balogun OR, Salaudeen AG, Saidu R, Jimoh AAG (2012): Trends in Caeserean Delivery at Federal Medical Centre, Bida, Niger State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Health Sciences. 12 (2): 16-18. Official Publication of College of Health Sciences, Obafemi Awolowo University and Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex (OAUTHC), Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria. Available on line at
- Salaudeen A. G. & Odeh E. (2011) Knowledge and behaviour towards voluntary blood donation among students of a tertiary institution in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice. 14 (3): 303-307. Official Publication of Medical and Dental Consultant Association of Nigeria.
- Musa O. I, Akande T. M; Salaudeen A. G; Soladoye O. M (2007): Family Communication On HIV/ AIDS among Secondary School Students in a Northern State of Nigeria. African journal of Infectious diseases 2(1): 201 – 215 Lagos, Nigeria African society for ethno-medicine study
- Salaudeen A. G., Akande T. M., Musa O. I., Bamidele J. A. & Oluwole F.A. (2010) Assessment of Violence against Women in Kano metropolis, Nigeria. National Postgraduate Medical Journal. 17(3); 218-222. Official Publication of the National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria. Available online at
- Salaudeen A. G., Akande T. M. & Musa O.I (2009) Cigarette Smoking Prevalence and Awareness of Problems of Tobacco use among Students of Colleges of Education in a Northern State of Nigeria. Nigerian Medical Practitioner. 55(6); 101-105. Published by SAME Ventures for Medical Practitioners of Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria. Available online at
- Jimoh A. A. G., Agbede O. O., Abdulraheem I. S., Saka M. J., Abubakar D., Olarinoye A. O., Salaudeen A. G., Saidu R. & Balogun O. R. (2008) Antiretroviral Treatment among Students of Tertiary Institutions in Ilorin; Assessement of knowledge, attitudes and Practice. Nigerian Medical Practitioner. 53(6); 94-98. Published by SAME Ventures for Medical Practitioners of Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria. Available online at
- Salaudeen A. G., Akande T. M. & Musa O.I (2008) Attitudes and Cigarette Smoking Habits among Students of Colleges of Education in Kwara State, Nigeria. Journal of Community Medicine & Primary Health Care. 20(1); 13-20. Official Publication of the Association of Community Physicians of Nigeria. Available online at Bioline
- Abdulraheem I.S., Adepoju F.G., Salaudeen A. G. & Akanbi A. A. II (2007) Pattern of Eye Problems of the Elderly in a Nigerian Tertiary Health Institution. Nigerian Medical Practitioner. 51(3); 29-32. Published by SAME Ventures for Medical Practitioners of Nigeria, Lagos, Nigeria. Available online at
- Akande T M & Salaudeen A. G. (2004) Practice of Periodic Medical Examination Among Hospital Workers in a Nigerian Teaching Hospital. Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine. 14(3&4); 206-210. Published by Lagos University Medical Society, Nigeria. Available online at
- Durowade KA, Salaudeen AG, Fasiku MM, Olokoba A, Faruk MA, Adeniyi MA, Jimoh MA & Omojasola TP (2019): Awareness and Risk Burden of Glaucoma among Adults in Selected Rural and Urban Communities of Kwara State, North-Central Nigeria. The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences 26 (4); 01-07, Official Publication of College of Health Sciences of the University of Ilorin. Available online at:
- Salaudeen, A.G., Osinubi, M.O., Ahmed, A., Adeyemi, M.F., Hussain, N.A. & Musa O.I. (2019): Prevalence of and Perception to Domestic Violence against Women in a North Western City of Nigeria. The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences 26 (2); 29-33, Official Publication of College of Health Sciences of the University of Ilorin. Available online at:
- Salaudeen, A.G., Osagbemi, G.K., Osinubi, M.O., Ahmed, A. & Musa, O.I. (2019): Demographics and Health Profiles of Inter-City Commercial Drivers in Kwara State, Nigeria. The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences 26 (1); 9-13, Official Publication of College of Health Sciences of the University of Ilorin. Available online at:
- Salaudeen, A. G., Musa, O. I., Ahmed, A., Yusuf, A. S., Gobir, A. A., Awoyemi, A. O. (2018): Practice of safety measures and work related injuries among sawmill workers in Kwara South Senatorial District of Nigeria. Centrepoint Journal (Science Edition) 24 (2); 95-108 Official Publication of University of Ilorin. Available at:
- Salaudeen, A.G., Osagbemi, G.K., Omokanye, L.O., Gobir, A.A., Ahmed, A. & Musa, O.I. (2017): Assessment of Knowledge and Attitude towards Family Planning Among Selected Religious Leaders in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria. The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences 24 (4); 36-42, Official Publication of College of Health Sciences of the University of Ilorin. Available online at:
- Durowade KA, Salaudeen AG, MusaOI, Olokoba LB, Osinubi MO, Fasiku MM, Elegbede OE, Fawole AA & Akande TM (2017): Knowledge of Glaucoma and its Socio-demographic Determinants: A Comparative Study of Selected Rural and Urban Communities in Kwara State, North-Central Nigeria. Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice 6 (2); 18-30. Official Publication of Nigerian Medical Association Kwara State. htttps://
- Omokanye LO, Olatinwo AWO, Durowade KA, Panti AA, Salaudeen AG, Adewara EO. (2015) Mayer-Rokitansky syndrome Type 1 with Karyotype XY variant: A case study. Trop J Health Science 2015; 22(1):25-27. Official Publication of College of Health Sciences University of Ilorin.
- LO Omokanye, AWO Olatinwo, KA Durowade, SA Biliaminu, AG Salaudeen, AA Panti (2015): Pregnancy Outcomes Following Assisted Reproduction Technologies For Infertile Women At A Public Health Institution In Nigeria. The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences. 22 (1): 25-27. Official Publication of College of Health Sciences, University of Ilorin. Available online at
- Durowade KA, Osagbemi GK, Salaudeen AG, Musa OI, Bolarinwa OA, Babatunde OA, Adebola OE, Abubakar-Akanbi AS, Ano-Edward GH,.(2013) Knowledge of Cervical cancer and its sociodemographic determinants among women in an Urban community of Kwara State, North-Central Nigeria. Savannah J Medical Research and Practice 2013;2(2):46-54. Official Publication of Nigerian Medical Association Kwara State.
- Durotoye IA, Salaudeen AG, Babatunde AS, Bosah EC & Ajayi FD (2013). Knowledge and Perception of Sickle Cell Disease Among Senior secondary School Students in Ilorin Metropolis. Trop J Health Science 2013; 20(2) : 1-7. Official Publication of College of Health Sciences University of Ilorin.
- Bolarinwa O. A., Salaudeen AG., Aderibigbe S.A., Musa I.O., Akande T.M., Parakoyi D.B (2012): The effect of injection safety training on knowledge and attitude of primary health care workers in Ilorin, Nigeria Savannah Journal of Medical Research and Practice 1(2) :24-31. Official Publication of Nigerian Medical Association Kwara State.
- Araoye M. O & Salaudeen A. G. (2005) Traditional Practices Related To Gender And Health In Some Yoruba Speaking Areas Of Kwara State, Nigeria. The Tropical Journal of Health Sciences. 12(2); 23-30. Published by College of Health Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria. Available online at
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